Births, Deaths & Marriages events

Events from the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages.

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Showing results 1 - 10 of 59 results
Emerton Youth Recreation Centre, 56 Copeland Road, Emerton
Births, Deaths and Marriages are hosting an event in Emerton supporting vulnerable people to access birth certificates and 1:1 support for other BDM services.
These Hubs offer access to a range of government services in one place. Births, Deaths and Marriages attends this event to assist the vulnerable to access birth certificates and 1:1 support for other BDM services.
Gudjagang Ngara li-dhi Aboriginal Corporation, 4 Church St, Wyong
These Hubs offer access to a range of government services in one place. Births, Deaths and Marriages attends this event to assist the vulnerable to access birth certificates and 1:1 support for other BDM services.
The Rex Centre, 58-60 Macleay St, Potts Point
Supporting Aboriginal people experiencing homelessness into safe and affordable housing with the appropriate support needed to maintain their tenancy.
Waddi Housing and Advancement Corporation, 1 Carrington Street, Darlington Point, NSW 2706
The Hub offers access to a range of government services in one place.
28 Lachlan Street, Euabalong
Births, Deaths and Marriages are hosting an event in Eubalong, supporting vulnerable people to access birth certificates and 1:1 support for other BDM services.
Murrin Bridge Local Aboriginal Land Council, 39 Foster Street, Lake Cargelligo
NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages ‘Our Kids Count’ initiative provides on the ground support to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents register their child’s birth.
Wayside Chapel, 29 Hughes St, Potts Point
WISH brings many services together once a month to provide coordinated service delivery to help people out of homelessness.
Hillston Council Office, 139-145 High Street, Hillston
NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages ‘Our Kids Count’ initiative provides on the ground support to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents register their child’s birth.
Stipa Street, Goolgowi
NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages ‘Our Kids Count’ initiative provides on the ground support to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents register their child’s birth.

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