Choosing clean energy

NSW is moving towards a more affordable, clean and reliable energy system. 

Here's what we can all do to help save energy and support a transformation to renewable energy such as solar power.

Silhouette of man and toddler strolling towards wind turbines with sun setting in background

Why change our energy use?

Climate change affects not just our environment, but local communities.

In Australia, the main source of carbon emissions is energy production.

We can reduce these carbon emissions by saving electricity and supporting clean energy. 

Clean energy comes from renewable energy sources like the sun, wind and water. 

Man working on solar panels on roof

What you can do

Save energy at home

There are simple ways to save energy, money, and reduce your environmental impact. 

Choose renewable energy

Find out how to get solar panels and batteries installed. Learn about renewable energy offers. 

Shop and travel wiser

Choose the highest energy rating for new appliances. Consider alternatives to a petrol car. 


What business can do

construction worker in front of wind turbine icon
Invest in renewable energy

NSW is creating Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) to replace ageing electricity networks, and to generate jobs, energy and economic benefits to regional areas.

car with cord and electrical plug icon
Be an eco friendly business
construction worker with light bulb on arm icon
Get support to change

Learn about NSW Government programs to encourage business to save energy. 

Other NSW Government programs

Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap

Explore our plans to transform our electricity system into one that is affordable, clean and reliable.  

Working towards net zero emissions

Our state will reduce emissions by promoting energy efficiency, new clean technologies and renewable energy alternatives.

More about support programs

Helping you save energy, invest in clean technologies and switch to renewable energy.

Related links

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