About the program
The Beyond Bali Education Program was developed following the 2002 and 2005 Bali bombing terrorist attacks. The program uses activities to:
- engage students with the social impacts of these attacks
- guide them through peaceful alternatives to violence.
There are 5 modules linked to the Australian curriculum, including:
- engagement
- empathy
- moral reasoning and mindfulness
- problem solving
- creative resolution
using the context of the Bali bombings and the Bali peace park.
Key takeaways
A small qualitative evaluation of the quality of a pilot of the program shows that the program achieved some success in:
- building resilience by engaging participants in constructing violent extremism as unjust and inhumane
- creating empathy with victims of violent extremism
- developing self-efficacy in resisting violent extremism influences
- responding to influences in positive, productive ways
- considering the devastating impacts of violent extremism.
Relevant reports
Moral Disengagement and Building Resilience to Violent Extremism: An Education Intervention, Anne Aly, Elisabeth Taylor & Saul Karnovsky, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 2014, 37:4, 369-385.