
Apply for private and commercial moorings and read about the correct mooring type, licence and fees for your vessel.

Private moorings

A NSW private mooring licence allows you to moor your vessel at a specific site on navigable waters. Here's how to apply and the rules you must follow.

Commercial moorings

Marine businesses and clubs need a commercial mooring licence to moor on NSW waterways. Here's how to apply and the rules you must follow.

Mooring types

Moorings are used to secure a vessel in a particular location. Find out about the different mooring types, their uses and buoy colours. 

Mooring audits

Transport for NSW manages over 23,000 private and commercial mooring sites throughout NSW. Find out about the audit process and the Moorings Reform Program.

Mooring fees

Find out the fees and charges for private and commercial moorings and berthings, along with the different payment options.

Suitable vessels and apparatus

To hold a private mooring licence, your vessel must be visually suitable and seaworthy. Here's how to pass an inspection.

Alpine Waters Mooring Scheme

Transport for NSW, in collaboration with Snowy Hydro, have established mooring licencing arrangements for Lake Jindabyne and Lake Eucumbene. Find out about mooring licences on Alpine waters.

Resident only private moorings

Resident only private moorings assist residents whose general means of transportation to the mainland is via water. Understand what's involved in obtaining a resident only private mooring licence.

Documents and publications

Find all the relevant documents and forms for private and commercial moorings.

Related information

Boating Handbook

The NSW Boating Handbook is your practical and essential guide to safe and responsible boating on NSW waterways. Here's how to get a copy.

NSW boat ramps

Search our interactive map online to find the location of all boat ramps across NSW.

Marine notices

Transport for NSW issues marine notices for vessel operators. These notices give safety advice about potential hazards, special events, and closures.

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