Our services
- Vehicle registration
- Driver and rider licences
- Boat and vessel registration
- Maritime licences
- Roads safety and rules
- Waterways safety and rules
- Demerit points, penalties and offences
- Bike riding
- Trip Planner
- Opal
- Get to major events
- Transport property and planning
- Protecting the environment and waterways
- Major projects hub
- Transport community engagement
- Transport infrastructure environment and safety
- Future Transport NSW
Key projects

Our world-leading technology will soon provide you with seamless and personalised journeys across all transport modes. This includes real-time, proactive transport choices and personalised notifications. Opal Connect will allow you to plan, book, pay, travel and give feedback across a wide range of transport services in NSW.

We’re working towards net zero emissions by 2050, through the adoption of automated vehicles and the transition to electric and zero emission vehicles. We are supporting the uptake of electric vehicles by co-funding electric vehicle charge points in metropolitan commuter carparks and in regional centres. We are trialling the use of connected and automated vehicles in ridesharing services.
To ensure the benefits of connected and automated vehicles are realised and we are ready for mass adoption, we have engaged other state government agencies to prioritise alignment of national laws, regulations and standards.
Who we are
Transport for NSW was established in November 2011. Our role is to deliver improved transport outcomes for the people of NSW. We are responsible for the movement of people and goods on roads, trains, buses, ferries, light rail, point to point transport vehicles, On Demand services, community transport, walking and cycling. We also oversee the delivery of multi-billion dollar transport infrastructure across NSW through our project delivery partners and industry experts.
We do this by putting customers and communities at the centre of everything we do and partnering with operating agencies, private operators and industry to deliver customer-focussed services and projects.

Contact us
If your enquiry relates to a roads or waterways service, you can submit your enquiry online.
Phone: 02 8202 2200
PO Box K659
Haymarket NSW 1240
Transport for NSW
231 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000