2022 Community Local Infrastructure Recovery Package
$207 million to repair, rebuild and improve flood damaged community infrastructure.

The $207 million 2022 Community Local Infrastructure Recovery Package (2022 CLIRP) will support the medium to longer-term social recovery of local government areas impacted by the 2022 NSW Floods.
The funding is being delivered in two stages:
The $30 million Priority Needs Program helps the regions build back better in the medium-term, with a focus on projects that provide high social value to communities:
The $177 million Essential Community Assets Program will support longer-term recovery needs through:
- $70 million Community Assets Program – to address damaged community infrastructure including recreation and community facilities, parks, playgrounds, walkways and places of cultural heritage.
- $44 million Aboriginal-owned Assets Program – to assist Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) and Aboriginal Corporations, as they rebuild Aboriginal-owned community infrastructure.
Additional programs are delivered by the Office of Sport through the Sport Infrastructure Recovery and Create NSW through the Arts and Cultural Assets Program.
Additional help
The 2022 Community Local Infrastructure Recovery Package is designed to complement existing recovery measures for individuals and businesses in disaster declared regions, many of which are co-funded by the Australian and NSW governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
For a full list of all available support, visit Service NSW or call 13 77 88.