Key information
- Status: Open
- Grant amount: Up to $30,000
- Application opened: 3 February 2025
- Application closes: 10 March 2025, 2:00 pm
Program objective
This funding aims to:
- strengthen the recorded music ecosystem
- future proof the NSW music industry through upskilling and collaboration
- build the profile of NSW music.
This program is administered by Create NSW.
Who can apply
This program is open to artists, acts and music businesses applying on behalf of an artist or act.
Funding recipients must:
- be 18 years or older
- currently live in NSW (minimum 12 months)
- perform new and original contemporary music OR represent an artist or act creating and/or performing new and original contemporary music
- have publicly available releases.
Applicants will need:
- an active ABN (that’s your Australian Business Number)
- a bank account with the same name as your ABN
- or a funds administrator to help you out.
For the purpose of this program contemporary music refers to artists and acts performing new and original music.
- Artforms not supported through this program are:
- experimental music and sound art
- contemporary classical, opera, choral and ensembles
- music theatre
- working in and with community music groups
- These applicants should refer to Create NSW’s Arts and Cultural Funding Program (ACFP) guidelines.
Please see the FAQ's for further definitions.
Number of applications
- you can only submit one application for each round
- if successful you cannot apply in the next available Contemporary Music Development Grants funding round.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Grants for artists and acts creating new and original contemporary music will support project costs associated with:
- developing new music
- collaboration
- recording (including mixing, mastering)
- pressing, manufacturing and releasing
- marketing and promotional activity.
What costs you can apply for
Funding up to $30,000 can support:
- producer and artist collaborator fees
- studio, recording, mixing and mastering costs
- pressing and manufacturing
- digital marketing, publicity services and content creation.
- administrative costs.
Who can’t apply
- applicants who do not live in NSW, or who have lived in NSW less than 12 months
- applicants not recording or performing new and original contemporary music (eg cover bands)
- applicants without publicly available releases
- applicants who have outstanding acquittals from previous NSW Government funding
What costs you can't apply for
- the recording or promotion of your first release
- costs incurred before the advertised activity start date
- activity that has received other NSW Government funding
- the purchase of equipment
- activities that directly support the delivery or course requirements of an educational program or course
- fundraising, donations, awards, prize money or competitions
- tours or performances at music industry events – this activity can be supported through the Touring and Travel Fund.
Additional eligibility requirements
- The project cannot start before 12 May 2025 and must be completed by 30 June 2026.
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
Grant Application
All applicants must submit the following as part of their application. These materials will all form part of the assessment.
- an artist’s bio
- an outline of your project, including how the activity will help develop your career and identify the importance of undertaking the activity now
- an outline of what’s required to deliver the project
- a budget detailing income and expenditure
- links to examples of your music (up to 5 mins of audio or video that highlight your previous work)
- links to social media platforms
- confirmation from key personnel involved.
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
Applications (including written responses, supporting documentation) will be assessed against the following weighted criteria.
1. Artist Experience (30%)
Evidence of previous work, industry relationships and support.
Tell us in detail about:
- your career to date
- your key achievements
- the key artists, industry and support people involved, including confirmation of their involvement.
2. Impact on career (40%)
The benefit to career development, the significance of the opportunity and how this activity contributes to a diverse contemporary music sector in NSW.
Tell us in detail about:
- the benefits of this activity to your career development
- the rationale behind the timing and its potential impact on long-term career sustainability
- how this contributes to a diverse contemporary music sector in NSW.
Sound NSW is committed to a diverse contemporary music sector in NSW and encourages applications from First Nations people, people who identify as women and non-binary, people with disability, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and people from Western Sydney and regional and remote communities.
3. Viability of the activity (30%)
Your capacity to undertake this activity, timelines and how the budget will be managed:
Tell us in detail about:
- your previous experience specific to the activity
- your plans to deliver the activity, including any key partners or collaborators
- your budget, including a breakdown of your total costs and any other investment in the project.
Start the application
Sound NSW uses the secure online grants system, SmartyGrants, to manage all its grant programs. All Contemporary Music Development Grants applications must be submitted via the online portal. You will receive an email confirmation of your application from SmartyGrants when your application has been accepted.
Sound NSW staff may consider late applications if the applicant can demonstrate extenuating circumstances. All requests for late submissions must be received in writing to on the application closing date.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Minister for Music and the Night-time Economy
Applications will be initially reviewed by Sound NSW staff to ensure they meet eligibility requirements, and all application materials are acceptable. If your application is deemed ineligible you will be notified by email within 14 days.
Sound NSW reserves the right to seek further information from the applicant to determine eligibility.
Application Review
After eligibility is confirmed, the application will be evaluated by an assessment panel of at least three industry assessors against the assessment criteria and consistent with these guidelines.
50% of the program budget will be allocated to applications from women and non-binary artists.
Please note that funding allocation follows a competitive process. Evaluations will consider the assessment criteria outlined above and the availability of funds at Sound NSW.
Successful applications will be approved by the Minister for Music and the Night-time Economy, based on recommendations from industry assessors.
Application Outcome
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application within eight weeks of the closing date.
Sound NSW will provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants. The format of this feedback may vary depending on the quantity of applications and the resources available.
Successful grant applications
If your application is successful, you will be sent a funding agreement (contract), generally within one month of notification. This outlines the conditions of funding, how you will be paid and your grant reporting requirements.
Contracts will not be issued, and payments will not be made, until all Sound NSW and Create NSW outstanding acquittals have been submitted.
Sound NSW staff will review required reporting, outlined below, and may contact you for additional information as part of this process.
Payment will be dependent on when the signed Funding Agreement has been returned to Sound NSW, as well as any special conditions, variations or outstanding acquittals being satisfactorily completed.
Acknowledgement of Sound NSW
As a recipient of Government funding, you will be expected to acknowledge the support from Sound NSW in all publications, promotional and advertising materials, public announcements, and professional development activities.
Successful applicants will be required to provide a project and financial acquittal at the end of the funding period.
Program evaluation
The Program will be evaluated to measure how well the outcomes and objectives have been achieved.
We may collect and use information from your application and reports for this purpose. We may also interview you or ask you for more information to help us understand how the Program impacted you and to evaluate how effective the tour was in achieving its outcomes.
We may contact you up to three years after you receive the final grant payment associated with the grant round for more information to assist with this evaluation. Sound NSW and the NSW Audit Office reserves the right to undertake an audit of Program funding and support within seven years.
Support and contact
Sound NSW staff are available to provide technical advice and general information to potential applicants on the interpretation of these guidelines, including the types of activity eligible for funding and support with the online application process.
Sound NSW staff cannot help directly with your application. To maintain a fair and equitable process, staff cannot edit or correct any applications or provide advice on the content or choices required against the Assessment Criteria.
For further information or clarification, please contact:
Peter Keogh, Manager Music Investment and Partnerships
Phone number: (02) 9228 5368
Schedule an online meeting to speak to Sound NSW staff using the link to Microsoft Bookings
Image: Mega Fäuna recording their debut album at Stranded Studios, November 2024. Photo by Frejya Benjamin.