The project is about protecting Gondwana World Heritage ecosystems in the Washpool and Gibraltar National Parks from the impacts of invasive weeds.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Up to $15,000
- Application opened: 8 November 2021
- Application closed: 11 March 2022, 5:00 pm
Program objective
The Project will address the threat of invasive grasses through the following intervention activities:
- Provide lineal ground mapping to determine weed distribution and density.
- Deliver direct on ground control of targeted invasive weed species to reduce their impact and spread to the Gondwana listed sites.
- Alleviate the pressure of invasion of weed species into the Gondwana list areas of the National parks defined within the project
- Educate private landholders that adjoin the defined pathways to improve land management to increase their capacity to control invasive species and maintain control after the project has finished.
- Deliver incentive programs for weed treatment that adjoin the defined pathways, Gondwana listed areas of the national parks.
This program is funded and administered by Local Land Services.
Landholders adjoining the Gwydir Highway within 20km of the Washpool and Gibraltar National Parks are eligible to apply.
Who can apply
- Landholders within the target area
- Applicants must be the owner of the land where the project will take place, or must have written authority from the landowner authorising their ability to commit to the project on the landowners behalf.
- Projects must occur on a holding larger than 10 ha and must take place on land within the Northern Tablelands LLS region
Who can’t apply
Landholders who do not meet the eligibility criteria.
Types of projects funded under this grant
This funding may be used in several ways, including, but not limited to:
- purchase of chemical to control invasive grasses
- purchase of equipment to enable chemical application
- payment of contractor to complete chemical application.
What can’t you apply for
You cannot apply for:
- fertiliser, seed or re-sowing of pastures
- control of weeds other than invasive grasses
- fencing and other infrastructure.
What your application needs to include
- Landowner details
- Contact details (if different from the landowner)
- Property details where the project will be undertaken including property address, lot, and DP numbers.
- Addressed eligibility criteria.
- Project details including:
- Proposed on ground works/activities.
- Your goals, expected long-term benefits, and outcomes for the project.
- Project budget including LLS funds and in-kind contribution (ex GST).
See further details below.
Address the eligibility criteria
Project and applicant eligibility must ensure:
- All project activities must directly contribute to the implementation of works which contribute to the control and reduced spread of invasive grasses into the Gibralter/Washpool National Parks Gondwana World Heritage areas.
- Projects must occur on a holding larger than 10 ha and must take place on land within the Northern Tablelands LLS region.
- Applicants must be the owner of the land where the project will take place or must have written authority from the landowner authorising their ability to commit to the project on the landowner's behalf.
- All previous works funded by Local Land Services on the applicant’s property must be completed or maintained as per any current management agreement.
- Applications should have a Farm Plan or intend to make a Farm Plan
- Applicants must:
- have no outstanding debts to Local Land Services
- be willing to enter into a written agreement with Local Land Services and undertake certain works in accordance with set specifications and agreed timeframes
- be an Australian citizen
- be registered for tax purposes in Australia and have an Australian bank account
- have public liability insurance for a minimum of $20 million
- abide by and implement as required all Local, State, and Federal Government laws, regulations, and Acts as they are relevant to an individual project, and
- be able to complete all on-ground activities within the agreed timeframe.
- Applications must contain a fully completed application form.
Address the assessment criteria
In general terms, applications will be assessed on whether they align with desired outcomes of the program, and applicant eligibility.
Contracts will be offered to eligible project proponents until program funds are exhausted. All works will be funded through a standard contract.
The project is to be fully implemented to the satisfaction of Northern Tablelands Local Land Services to enable eligibility for future funding opportunities. Landholders will be required to provide a compliant Tax Invoice and evidence of (any) in-kind contribution(s) where appropriate.
Address the budget requirements
The budget is a very important aspect to every project application as it is where the assessors get a very detailed understanding of the proposed activities.
It is also used to determine how cost effective the project is.
The budget should outline the requested funding from Northern Tablelands Local Land Services and outline any in-kind contribution from the applicant (such as your labour, time, materials, maintenance etc).
- All budget figures must be GST exclusive.
- Money allocated to projects will be based upon the submitted budget and no allowances will be made for price increases.
- Monitoring and on-going weed control are ineligible costs.
Please seek assistance from Northern Tablelands Local Land Services if you are unsure, as the project budget is critical to the approval of the project.
Start the application
Applications for this grant are now closed.
After the application is submitted
The applications will be assessed and both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified.