Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Applicants can apply for up to $25,000 if the project will have significant impact. This will require written approval from the NSW Premier’s Department and will be assessed on a case by case basis.
- Application opened: 5 July 2024
- Application closed: 5 July 2024, 11:00 pm
Program objective
The purpose of the Program is to provide small, flexible grants to encourage a range of community-led after-hours youth activity initiatives across the Moree Shire local government area.
After-Hours activities include organised programs or projects that are available outside of the school hours, including weekends and school holidays.
Through this Program, Premier’s Department seeks to ensure young people in Moree LGA are supported to:
- Build a support network with peers and community leaders.
- Build a deeper understanding or connection to culture.
- Build practical life skills and a better sense of purpose.
- Stay off the streets between 10pm and 6am.
This program is administered by Premier's Department.
Who can apply
An individual who lives, works, studies, volunteers, or has a cultural connection to the Moree Shire LGA.
A not-for-profit organisation, agency or group based, or delivering services, in the Moree Shire LGA. These include:
- Incorporated organisation registered as a not-for-profit association.
- Community organisation registered as an incorporated not-for-profit association.
- Trust that is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Projects Commission (ACNC)
- Local Aboriginal Land Council
- An Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth)
- Company limited by guarantee incorporated in Australia under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
- An Incorporated Cooperative (incorporated under state legislation, and commonly have ‘Cooperative’ in their legal name)
- Unincorporated community organisation
For-profit small business that services the Moree Shire LGA with 5 or less than employees
Location that are eligible include Moree Plains
Who the grant is targeted towards
Youth aged under 18 who live, work or study in the Moree Shire local government area
Types of projects funded under this grant
To be eligible the project must meet the following criteria:
- Project is for the benefit of youth aged under 18 who live, work or study in the Moree Shire local government area
- Project will be delivered within 6 months.
- Project budget only includes Eligible Costs (see 2.5)
Applicants must also:
- be able to enter into a funding agreement with NSW Premier’s Department and have an Australian bank account.
- have public liability insurance of at least $10 million per claim or be willing to buy it. You can include the cost of insurance as part of the project budget.
- where needed, have Working with Children Checks, WorkCover and superannuation coverage for any individuals or staff delivering programs and projects, or be willing to obtain.
When the project can start and end
The program will open from 5 August 2024 and will close every fortnight until funding is exhausted
The project should be started by 5 August 2024.
Outcomes for projects funded under this grant
Increase the number and diversity of community-led after hours youth activity initiatives
What costs you can apply for
What this grant can fund:
- Wages for temporary, casual staff who are delivering activities or supporting the project.
- Buying minor equipment, materials, and consumables such as fuel, clothing, art supplies, and catering for the purpose of the project or event.
- Rental hire fees for the purpose of the project or event.
- Hiring contractors such as facilitators, artists, trainers, teachers, or local Elders.
- Travel costs, (for travel within NSW only) for activities or event.
- Costs of hosting or attending local, regional or state-wide sporting competitions, camps and/or cultural events.
- Youth membership, course registration or participation fees for the purpose of the project or event
- Cost of obtaining working with children checks licenses or registrations.
- Cost of obtaining insurances required to operate the project such as public liability insurance, WorkCover.
Who can’t apply
- Federal and State Government agencies and bodies
- NSW Public Schools (however, can partner with an eligible organisation)
- Proprietary companies limited by shares.
- Incorporated organisations or companies, that are insolvent.
What costs you can't apply for
What this grant can't fund:
- Operational and business-as-usual costs.
- Costs that are not directly related to the delivery of the project.
- Wages, salaries, and on-costs for ongoing staff
- Interstate or international travel costs.
- Applications to fund projects that have already occurred.
- Sitting fees or costs associated with membership of Boards/Councils
- Funding for existing debt and/or budget deficits.
- Costs already fully funded by insurance or other NSW or Commonwealth Government Programs.
Types of projects not funded under this grant
Projects will not be eligible for funding if they:
- do not align with the program objectives
- receive funding from another source for the same project
Example projects
The following are examples of the types of activities that may funded. Your project does not need to be limited by these examples:
- Workshops providing activities, skills, training, or leadership experiences.
- Sporting activities, youth camps promoting cultural connection, skills or leadership.
- Art activities, such as painting, weaving or dancing.
- Youth focused event to showcase local talent.
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
To apply, you must complete a short, simple application, in writing or by video, and send it to
As you complete the application for your project, you may be asked to give us more information to confirm some parts of your project. Some of these may include:
- Community references which include the names and contact information of people who the NSW Premier’s Department can contact to provide information about your role in the community, the need for the project or your capability to deliver the project.
- Evidence that you or your organisation has public liability insurance (where required) for the project, or intention to get it
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
Project Outcomes
The project aligns with the program objectives of ensuring young people in Moree LGA are supported to:
· Build a support network with peers and community leaders.
· Build a deeper understanding or connection to culture.
· Build practical life skills and a better sense of purpose.
· Stay off the streets between 10pm and 6am.
The project can be delivered by the organisation as described.
The assessor will consider:
· Is the application logical and achievable.
· How the project is different to existing services or how it will improve an existing service.
· Community references, leadership positions or partnerships with other people/organisations.
· Experience managing previous projects.
· Relevant training and experience by key staff or individuals involved.
Value for money
The project is an efficient, effective, economical, and ethical use of money and will deliver value for money.
The assessor will consider:
· How funding will be spent and how items contribute to the project.
· Budget is reasonable and realistic.
· Benefits are reasonable compared to costs
· For larger projects, quotes and detailed estimates are provided
Start the application
You can submit an application, in writing or by video, at any time whilst the program is open.
Applications will be assessed in the order they are received and are screened for eligibility.
Eligible applications will be assessed against the merit criteria by an Assessment Panel of NSW Premier’s Department staff fortnightly.
You can submit up to two applications each fortnight.
You will be told of the outcome of your application about two weeks after you submit their application.
Projects must be delivered within six months of funding being received.
You may be offered partial funding where your proposed budget includes ineligible items.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Director Moree Place-based Coordination Team
All eligible applications will be assessed against the three merit assessment criteria.
A Merit Assessment Panel (the Panel) made up of NSW Premier’s Department staff will meet fortnightly.
Two Merit Assessment Panel members will independently award a score of either a (1) low, (2) satisfactory or (3) high against each of the three merit criteria.
The Chair of the Merit Assessment Panel will combine the individual scores given by the two Panel members. The Chair will not assess individual projects. The Chair will advise Panel members on consistency and business rules and will seek probity advice where required.
The project will have merit if it scores a combined minimum score of four in each of the three merit criteria.
Where a project has scored less than four in any of the merit criteria, the Chair will set up a moderation session. The Chair and the two independent assessors will decide on a final overall score. The moderation session will be facilitated by the Chair and will involve a probity advisor.
Merit Assessment Panel members may also include special conditions that would support the successful delivery of the project. These could be things like additional information, reporting or working with children checks.
The Chair of the Merit Assessment Panel will make a recommendation to the Delegate. Recommendations will consider available funding, distribution across project types, target demographics and applicant types. Any special funding conditions will be approved by the Delegate and included in the funding agreement.
The Delegate is the final decision-maker and will consider the recommendations of the Chair.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is You will be told of the outcome of your application about two weeks after you submit their application.
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is You will be told of the outcome of your application about two weeks after you submit their application.
Support and contact
Moree Place-based Coordination Team