Key information
- Status: Open
- Grant amount: Up to $350,000
- Application opened: 7 February 2025
- Application closes: 14 March 2025, 5:00 pm
Program objective
The Open Streets Program is a $14.65 million grant program that will provide successful councils with funding of up to $350,000 to host community events and activations across three years to support enduring vibrancy in our streets and centres.
The Open Streets Program aims and objectives are to:
- Promote vibrant local communities through delivery of free recurring street-based events.
- Empower local councils to deliver reduced costs and improved efficiency for street-based events.
- Support cultural industries and drive economic growth with more sustainable ongoing delivery of street-based events.
- Enable councils, community groups and businesses to activate their local streets.
This program is administered by Cities and Active Transport.
Who can apply
Applicants must be a local council within NSW. Applicants can only submit one application (but may propose multiple events within the single application).
Types of projects funded under this grant
Projects must:
- Involve the temporary closure of a street or street/s to vehicles. The closed street/s must:
- Be in council or NSW Government ownership.
- Be primarily used for vehicles.
- Be either:
- Within 500m radius of a local centre, close to services and retail, and where available in the council area be close to public transport; or
- On a street with a public facility and/or social infrastructure, such as a school, library, sports centre or community centre, and where available in the council area be close to public transport.
- Deliver street-based events across three years, at least once per year, on the selected closed street/s.
- Include the preparation and implementation of Global Development Application/s and/or Global Traffic Management Plan/s, that includes the selected street/s from dot point one, during the three-year period or demonstrate there is one already in place for the selected street/s.
- Encourage capacity building in the local business and creative industry to empower ongoing street activation and vibrancy.
- Target a reduction in costs associated with street closures across the life of the project.
- The events must:
- Maintain a consistent event brand/theme across the three years, with flexibility to evolve year-on-year in response to community feedback and learnings.
- Be free and inclusive, however, free ticketed events are acceptable for managing attendance.
- Include joint co-programming with one or more local arts organisations, e.g. a cultural institution, gallery, school, library, community group or similar.
- Include collaboration with local businesses or business associations, asset owners or major nearby employers to encourage participation.
- Host the majority of the event programming and activations on the temporarily closed street area.
- Reflect and contribute to the local character and identity of the place.
Projects may:
- Include multiple different series of events, however there must be one instance of each event series per year. Projects should also consider value for money.
- Be held more than once per year, which is encouraged.
- Contribute to broader placemaking objectives for the selected street/s, which is encouraged.
- Include council and/or sponsor co-funding, which is encouraged.
- Partially close a street to vehicles. Applicants must demonstrate how safety and amenity will be maintained.
What costs you can apply for
Funding may be used for:
- Costs associated with street closures, including traffic control, signage, barriers or other infrastructure and cleaning;
- Costs associated with the development and implementation of a Global Development Application/s and/or Global Traffic Management Plan/s;
- Event infrastructure, including the leasing and purchase of event equipment such as chairs, trestle tables and marquees;
- Event production, including operations, logistics and technology providers;
- Engaging artists, performers, musicians, or other creative workers, including reasonable associated costs;
- Engaging a local creative, arts or cultural institution for program development and delivery;
- Microgrants (up to 10% of the total funding) to local businesses, community groups, schools or similar, to encourage organisations and businesses in the area to participate in programming, provided the grants are consistent with the program aims and objectives;
- The installation of new public placemaking elements, art and/or street murals, where they can clearly be shown to support the event or activation;
- Promotion and marketing of the event/s;
- Any other service or resources (up to a reasonable proportion of the funding amount) provided they contribute to delivering the event or activation and are approved by Transport for NSW;
- The expansion of an existing or planned event if the event scope or footprint is substantially increased;
- Funding of council event personnel, staff positions or contractors may be considered for up to 10% of the total funding and subject to approval by Transport for NSW. Funding cannot be used for existing salaries or staff expenses, must be directly associated with delivery of the project, and must be requested and approved by Transport for NSW through a labour cost exemption as part of the application process.
Types of projects not funded under this grant
The following projects are ineligible for funding:
- Events that include any type of participation fee.
- Events that do not occur at least once per year.
- Projects that are located on streets that are not primarily used by vehicles.
- Existing or planned activations or events, except where the project substantially increases the event scope or footprint, for example, by closing and activating a street that was not previously planned for closure.
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
All applicants are required to supply the following information in their SmartyGrants application.
Eligible applications must:
- Be sufficiently detailed and specific to allow consideration against the program criteria and objectives.
- Include a clear description of the project scope, including but not limited to:
- The concept and brand/theming for the event series.
- Preliminary ideas for event programming and activities.
- The chosen project location/s and street/s proposed for closure.
- Events and activations that address the eligibility criteria.
- Site map of the proposed location/s.
- Proposed partnerships and collaboration with stakeholders in the local creative industry and local business community.
- Include a clear outline of project deliverability, including but not necessarily limited to:
- Delivery timeframes.
- Expected approvals required.
- Risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
- Project governance.
- Budget breakdown, including co-contributions if applicable.
- A letter of support from the council General Manager, or equivalent delegated officer.
- Include a clear description of the project’s expected outcomes and value for money, including by not limited to:
- Longer-term outcomes, including long-term place management strategies and capacity building in community and the local business and cultural sectors.
- Social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits.
- Alignment with strategic plans, policies or placemaking initiatives.
- Be submitted by the deadline of 5pm, 14 March 2025.
Further information on application requirements can be found at the Open Streets Program website.
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
Applications will be assessed against alignment with program objectives and assessment criteria outlined in the Open Streets Program Guidelines.
Project merit:
- Project activates the street/s and transforms it/them into vibrant places for the community and visitors to connect, stay, and play.
- Project improves connectivity, accessibility and perceptions of safety in streets and surrounding areas.
- Project celebrates local character and place identity through brand/theme and creative programming.
- Project involves meaningful partnership and co-programming with local businesses, arts organisations and cultural workers.
- Project considers potential long-term place management strategies to promote vibrancy for the duration of the grant period and beyond.
Project deliverability:
- Experience and ability to deliver the project.
- Risk mitigation and approvals.
- Financial viability.
- Project is deliverable within the Program timeframes.
Value for money:
- Project delivers value for money.
- Project supports the local economy and local employment during and beyond the funding period.
- Project delivers social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits for the community.
The assessment process is competitive and applications with insufficient detail will be disadvantaged during the assessment process. Applicants should ensure they provide as much relevant information as possible with their application.
Start the application
Applications for this grant are available via the SmartyGrants portal.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Executive Director, Cities Revitalisation and Place, Transport for NSW
Transport for NSW will assess an application against the eligibility and assessment criteria outlined in the Open Streets Program Guidelines.
Where appropriate, Transport for NSW will seek to remedy eligibility issues with the applicant.
Unless further information is required, applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by mid-May 2025.
Support and contact
To help applicants prepare their application, additional information and resources are available at the SmartyGrants portal.