Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Each successful applicant can apply for and receive up to $10,000 (excluding GST).
- Application opened: 16 August 2024
- Application closed: 3 February 2025, 10:00 am
Program objective
The objectives of the Program are to:
- support university students who are participating in STEM research competitions
- provide opportunities for STEM student researchers to:
- increase their skills in real-world applications
- improve collaboration with international colleagues
- consider graduate studies in STEM
- profile STEM competition participation to create interest and excitement about STEM research fields with the community, industry partners and fellow students
The intended outcomes of the Program are to:
- increase participation of NSW university students in STEM fields
- improve essential skills development for STEM university students in teamwork, collaboration, creativity, communication, and technical science and engineering knowledge
- increase engagement between STEM student researchers and the community, industry partners and fellow students
- help STEM students and graduates successfully contribute to NSW’s scientific community.
The Program provides benefits to NSW’s future in added educational opportunities, network-building and professional experience for tertiary students while also promoting innovative research and increasing the visibility of NSW research and its value within Australia or internationally.
This program is administered by Office of the Chief Scientist and Engineer.
Who can apply
To be eligible for the Program applicants must be enrolled or employed at a NSW university or public sector research institution.
Types of projects funded under this grant
- For a grant activity to be eligible it must be a STEM research competition.
- The Competition research area must fall under at least one of the following categories:
- Mathematical, information and computing sciences
- Physical, chemical and earth sciences
- Engineering, environmental sciences and energy innovation
- Biological and biotechnological sciences.
- Sponsorship grants will be available to student teams attending competition research projects between April 2025 and December 2025.
- Applicants must provide confirmation of the competition registration. In situations where timing makes this impossible, applicants not yet registered to participate must receive prior written permission from the OCSE to apply for the Program.
When the project can start and end
The project should be started by 1 April 2025 and the project must be completed by 31 December 2025.
What costs you can apply for
Funds must be spent on the research component of the competition. Examples include (but are not limited to):
- Lab consumables
- Research/Project materials
- Outreach
- Any other research expenditure
Who can’t apply
You are not eligible to apply for the Program if you are:
- insolvent;
- an individual;
- a partnership;
- an unincorporated association; or
- a Commonwealth, state, territory or local government agency or body excluding government corporate entities.
What costs you can't apply for
The grant cannot be used on the following activities:
- competition registration
- travel
- accommodation
- visas
- insurance
- salary
- infrastructure, capital or the purchase of significant assets (including the creation of digital assets or software)
- any other non-research related expenses
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
- You must attach supporting documentation to the application form in line with instructions provided within the online form.
- You should only attach requested documents.
- We will not consider information in attachments we do not request.
We require you to provide either one of the following documents with your application regarding the team’s competition registration:
- proof of competition registration
- proof of written approval received from the OCSE to proceed with your application.
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
Criterion 1: Value of Competition - Demonstrate value of competition to the participants, institution, and the community.
Criterion 2: Evidence of support - Demonstrate support from the applicant’s institution, philanthropists, industry partners and/or the Commonwealth Government.
Criterion 3: Alignment with the 20-Year NSW R&D Roadmap - Demonstrate alignment with the 20-Year NSW R&D Roadmap.
Criterion 4: Diversity, equity and inclusion - Demonstrate how diversity, equity and inclusion will be considered and implemented in the participation and preparation of the competition.
Criterion 5: Budget - Demonstrate need for funding through a budget breakdown, including matched or co-funding contributions/support (e.g. from the applicant’s university or industry partners), which will leverage the Department’s investment. The budget breakdown should include your cash and in-kind contributions to the Competition.
All criteria have equal weighting of 20% each.
Start the application
Before applying, you must read and understand these Guidelines.
These documents may be found at Any alterations and addenda[1] will be published on
To apply you must:
- complete the SmartyGrants online application form at
- provide all the information requested
- address all the eligibility criteria
- address the assessment criteria set out in Section 2.2 of the Program Guidelines (Assessment criteria).
- include all necessary attachments indicated in Section 3.3 of the Program Guidelines (Attachments to the application).
- submit your application by the timelines outlined in Section 3.2 of the Program Guidelines (Key dates).
[1] Alterations and addenda include but are not limited to: corrections to currently published documents, changes to closing times for applications, Questions and Answers (Q&A) documents, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) documents.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: The Director, Policy - Science and Research, Office of the Chief Scientist & Engineer or their delegate
Assessment of grant applications
The assessment of applications will be led by the Department. Your application will be considered based on a two-stage process. Where the Department considers an application unsuitable or unsatisfactory against any criteria, we may exclude that application from further evaluation. Only eligible applications will move to the next stage. We consider eligible applications through an open competitive grant process.
Stage 1: Eligibility Assessment
The OCSE Secretariat will conduct an initial eligibility screening for all applications according to the published eligibility criteria in these Program Guidelines that are set out in Section 2.1: Eligibility Criteria.
Only applications which meet all eligibility criteria will progress to assessment against the assessment criteria.
Stage 2: Assessment by the Assessment Panel
The membership of the Assessment Panel (Panel) will be determined by the Department in its sole discretion and may include independent assessors from the broader NSW public sector.
The Panel will assess each application on its merits against the assessment criteria and compare it to other eligible applications before recommending which applications are to be awarded a grant.
On behalf of the Panel, the Department may seek additional information about you or your application.
The Panel has the discretion to recommend that an applicant receive a smaller amount of funding than indicated in their application.
The Panel members are expected to assess all eligible applications unless they have a declared conflict of interest for a certain application(s).
Panel members will individually assess all eligible applications against each criterion set out Section 2.2: Assessment Criteria. All criteria have equal weighting.
When making their recommendations, the Assessment Panel may take the following into consideration:
- The total funding available for the STEM Student Competition Sponsorship Program 2025 round;
- The assessment criteria outlined in the STEM Student Competition Sponsorship Program Guidelines;
- The requested amount against the scope of the project i.e. could the applicant effectively deliver the proposed competition with less funding. Advice may be sought from applicants to understand the potential impact if a decision was made to award less funding than was applied for;
- Whether the requested funding amount is too large compared to the competition;
- Whether a reduction could pose significant risks to the success of a competition;
- Whether applicants have sufficient or additional resources or avenues available to raise capital other than this grant that could assist with the success of their competition;
- Whether a decrease in funding will impact achieving the overall aim of the STEM Student Competition Sponsorship Program.
The Assessment Panel may seek advice from an external probity advisor if required.
Who will approve the grant?
The Panel will provide advice to the NSW Government on the suitability of each proposal for funding.
The Director, Policy - Science and Research, Office of the Chief Scientist and Engineer or their delegate, will consider recommendations from the Panel and determine final grant funding approvals.
The Director, Policy -Science and Research’s or their delegate’s decision is final in all matters, including:
- the approval of the grant
- the grant funding amount to be awarded
- the terms and conditions of the grant.
Notification of application outcome
Successful grant applications
Successful applicants will be notified via email in March 2025.
Unsuccessful grant applications
We will advise the outcome of your application via email.
Unsuccessful applicants will be notified via email of the outcome of their application within 20 business days from the assessment panel meeting and will be offered feedback if requested.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is March 2025
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is April 2025
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