Streamlining mobile business approvals

What’s this about?
Currently mobile businesses must seek separate approval from councils in each council area they wish to operate, as required under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993.
The NSW Government is introducing vibrancy reforms that will reduce red tape and allow mobile businesses to operate across multiple council areas by seeking approval once and having that approval recognised by other councils.
This new framework will be available to the following business types:
- food trucks
- buskers
- outdoor fitness
- market stalls.
This may be rolled out to additional mobile business types in the future.
Who are we seeking feedback from?
If you are a council or a mobile business in one of the categories mentioned above we encourage you to provide input into the development of this new, streamlined approval framework by completing and submitting the survey.
Have your say
Have your say by Thursday 24 October 2024.
Complete the survey on this page to provide feedback on the local approvals (mutual recognition) framework. Alternatively, any further comments can be shared with OLG via email at
Consultation period
More information
Email: Project team
Phone: 02 4428 4100
Agency Website
Consultation Website
More consultations in this area

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