COVID-19 Community Connection and Wellbeing Program

These grants fund locally-led initiatives and events that promote social resilience,  improve community connectedness and support communities recovering from COVID-19.

The COVID Community Connection and Wellbeing program (CCCWP) funds locally led initiatives and events that promote social resilience, improve community connectedness and support communities recovering from COVID-19.

This recovery package aims to support local community wellbeing events and promote the building of resilience and capability within communities to sustain long-term wellbeing. Over $4.05 million has been shared across 76 initiatives through the CCCWP funding stream.

The COVID-19 Community Connection and Wellbeing program has several intended outcomes: 

  • People are given opportunities to reconnect and re-engage with their communities to improve their social connectedness and wellbeing.

  • Community members experience increased confidence and capability to foster and maintain their wellbeing and support the wellbeing of others.

  • Communities have greater access to opportunities and resources to support their wellbeing.

  • Communities are more resilient to the social impacts of the remainder of the COVID-19 pandemic and other future disaster events.

The program consists of 3 funding streams:

  • Pathway 1 offers between $70,001 and $300,000 for larger scale projects that will be completed over a longer period (up to 22 months).
  • Pathway 2 offers between $10,001 and $75,000 for small to medium scale, short-term projects (can be delivered within 12 months).
  • Pathway 3 offers between $1,000 and $10,000 for small projects or events that focus on local needs (can be delivered within 1-6 months). 

Funded projects

$4,017,574 has been allocated to 76 initiatives, across three funding pathways. All funded projects aim to support social connection, resilience, and wellbeing in a sustainable and embedded way. 

For more information about the Program, you can contact the COVID Community Connection & Wellbeing Program team at

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