General building work
You must have a licence or certificate to do general building work. You need the required qualifications and experience before you apply.
Key information
- In NSW, you need a licence or certificate to do any residential building work, including general building work valued at more than $5000 in labour and materials (including GST).
- There are different types of licences and certificates available depending on the work you need to do.
- You must have the approved qualifications and experience before you can apply for a licence or certificate.
- You can apply for a 1, 3 or 5 year licence or certificate.
What is residential building work?
General building work is in the residential building work category.
Residential building work means any activities related to constructing, altering, or adding to a dwelling. This includes repairing, renovating, decorating, or applying protective treatments to the property.
A dwelling is a building or part of a building for people to live in, such as a house, terrace, townhouse, duplex or flat.
The category of general building work includes all of the trade and other building categories of work.
A building licence is required for the following work, which includes (but is not limited) to:
- constructing or erecting a garage, carport or shed (including kits)
- bathroom, kitchen or laundry renovations
- swimming pool building and structural landscaping
- screened, glass or pool enclosures
- atriums and conservatories
- house lifting (e.g. permanently raising the height of an existing structure)
- removing and resitting dwellings
- saunas and steam rooms
- cladding removal and replacement.
Any contract for general building work can include any specialist work that needs to be done as part of the overall job.
Unless the builder holds the required category of specialist work themselves, the works must be subcontracted to the holder of a contractor licence in the relevant category of specialist work.
The works must be appropriately supervised by the holder of an endorsed contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate in that category.
To learn more about what is considered residential building work, what is a dwelling, and what is excluded from the definition of residential building work, see schedule 1 of the Home Building Act 1989.
You must have a contractor licence to carry out, advertise or contract for building or trade work that is valued at more than $5,000 in labour and materials (including GST).
You can be fined $22,000 as an individual or $110,000 as a company under the Home Building Act 1989 for doing unlicensed work.
Applying for a licence or certificate
Licence types you can apply for
There are different types of licences available in NSW depending on whether you want to:
- contract to do the work,
- supervise work,
- do the work, or
- do a combination of these roles.
The licence types that apply to this category of work are:
- Individual contractor licence (or endorsed contractor licence)
- Company or partnership contractor licence
- Qualified supervisor certificate
You can apply for these licence types for 1, 3 or 5 years.
You can also get started with applying for your licence or certificate at Service NSW.
Time frames for licensing and registration applications
Find out about the current application processing times for different licence and registration categories.
Qualifications and experience needed
To get a licence or certificate to do general building work, you must complete one of the qualifications listed below.
Note: If you are currently bankrupt, we cannot issue you a contractor’s licence for the categories of building or swimming pool building work.
Applicants are required to demonstrate at least two years’ relevant industry experience in a wide range of building construction work, where the majority of that experience was obtained within 10 years of the date on which the application is made.
For all options set out below:
- The builder you worked for to gain your experience must have a contractor licence in general building work, and
- When gaining your experience, you must be supervised and directed in your work by someone who holds an individual contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate in the category of general building work whilst you gained your experience. They must confirm your experience on the referee's statement form, and
- You must be paid with money in line with the law for the work you did.
‘Experience’ means you have done the work that matches any of the 4 options below:
Option 1
Type of experience: You are an employee.
You meet this description: You are employed by a building contractor licence holder.
Option 2
Type of experience: You are a subcontractor.
You meet this description: You hold an individual contractor licence and have contracted to a building contractor licence holder.
Option 3
Type of experience: You are the holder of a qualified supervisor certificate and working as a nominated supervisor.
You meet this description: The contractor licence you are nominated for includes the category of full general building. There is also another nominated supervisor to cover the category of building.
Option 4
Type of experience: You are an existing holder of a qualified supervisor certificate and working as a nominated supervisor for a contractor licence.
You meet this description: The contractor licence holder that you are nominated supervisor for has been subcontracting to a general building contractor licence holder.
You must provide complete details of your industry experience in a wide range of building construction work. Ensure that your referee thoroughly documents all of your experience they have supervised, at all relevant sites. Use as many referee’s statements and residential building experience forms as you need to give us all the relevant information.
When we assess your application, we will determine if you have demonstrated at least 2 years of relevant industry experience in a wide range of building construction work by considering whether:
- your experience falls under one of the 4 types of experience defined above.
- your experience was supervised and verified by the holder of a qualified supervisor certificate or individual contractor licence (Q) in the category of general building work.
- the majority of your experience was gained within 10 years of lodging your application.
- the work you performed at each site is relevant and meets our experience requirements.
Note: If you fail to demonstrate you have the required amount of relevant site-based experience in a wide range of building construction work, your application will be refused.
What to include in your application
You are required to demonstrate that you have gained practical experience across all stages of construction, and in a wide range of work, to satisfy us that you have the capacity to do, coordinate and supervise general building work in the construction of a residential dwelling.
We will look to see if you have demonstrated you have the ability to competently supervise the construction of residential building work on site in line with the Building Code of Australia. This includes dealing effectively with sub-contractors, consumers and others.
Trade work is often done during building construction and includes, but is not limited to, things such as carpentry, brick laying and plastering. If you only have experience in one kind of work, your experience is not enough to apply for a full building licence.
Experience as an owner builder, or holding an owner builder permit, does not fulfill the practical experience requirements necessary to obtain a licence or certificate as a builder.
If you worked on 2 or more sites at the same time, we will count them as one period of time only when we are calculating your equivalent full-time work experience.
Find registered training organisations that offer nationally recognised training by searching the National Training Register using the course code or name.
You must satisfy one of the 3 qualification criteria below.
1. VET qualifications and units of competencies
- CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction, or
- CPC40320 Certificate IV in Building Project Support, or
- CPC40110 / CPC40108 / BCG40106 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building), or
- CPC40208 / BCG40206 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Contract Administration), or
- CPC40308 / BCG40306 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Estimating), or
- CPC40508 / BCG40506 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Site Management),
And including all following units:
- CPCCBC4001 Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 1 and 10 buildings, plus CPCCBC4053 Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 2 to 9 Type C buildings; or CPCCBC4001A / BCGBC4001A Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for low rise building projects, and
- CPCCBC4002 Manage work health and safety in the building and construction workplace, or CPCCBC4002A / BCGBC4002A Manage occupational health and safety in the building and construction workplace, and
- CPCCBC4003 Select, prepare and administer a construction contract, or CPCCBC4003A / BCGBC4003A Select and prepare a construction contract, and
- CPCCBC4004 / CPCCBC4004A / BCGBC4004A Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects, and
- CPCCBC4005 / CPCCBC4005A / BCGBC4005A Produce labour and material schedules for ordering, and
- CPCCBC4006 / CPCCBC4006A / CPCCBC4006B or BCGBC4006A Select, procure and store construction materials for low rise projects, and
- CPCCBC4007 / CGBC4007A / CPCCBC4007A Plan building or construction work, and
- CPCCBC4008 Supervise site communication and administration processes for building and construction projects, or CPCCBC4008A / CPCCBC4008B / BCGBC4008A Conduct on-site supervision of building and construction projects, and
- CPCCBC4009 / CPCCBC4009A / CPCCBC4009B / BCGBC4009A Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects, and
- CPCCBC4010 Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructions, or CPCCBC4010A / CPCCBC4010B / BCGBC4010A Apply structural principles to residential low-rise constructions, and CPCCBC4011A / CPCCBC4011B / BCGBC4011A Apply structural principles to commercial low-rise constructions, and
- BSBESB407 Manage finances for new business ventures, or BSBSMB421 / BSBSBM406/ BSBSMB406A Manage small business finances, and
- CPCCBC4012 / CPCCBC4012B / BCGBC4012A / CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications, and
- CPCCBC4018 / BCGBC4018A / CPCCBC4018A Apply site surveys and set out procedures to building and construction projects, and
- CPCCBC4024 / BCGBC4024A / CPCCBC4024A Resolve business disputes
Plus any of the following:
- a current carpentry or bricklaying contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate, or an approved qualification that would allow the issue of such a licence (for details of approved qualifications, see carpentry or bricklaying), or
- Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) - CPC50220 / BCG50206 / CPC50208, or
- Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) CPC50210, and including the following units:
- CPCCBC5004 / CPCCBC5004A Supervise and apply quality standards to the selection of building and construction materials, and
- CPCCBC5004 / CPCCBC5004A Supervise and apply quality standards to the selection of building and construction materials, and
- CPCCBC5004 / CPCCBC5004A Supervise and apply quality standards to the selection of building and construction materials, and
- CPCCBC5009 Identify services layout and connection methods for Type B and C constructions / CPCCBC5009A Identify services layout and connection methods to medium rise construction projects, or
- Bachelor of Housing from an Australian university or a degree in civil engineering, structural engineering, architecture, housing, construction, construction management, construction project management, construction economics, applied science (building) or quantity surveying from an Australian university.
2. University degrees
A degree in building, construction, construction management, construction project management, construction economics, applied science (building), or quantity surveying from an Australian university which requires the applicant to undertake the equivalent of four years’ full time study and a mandatory work placement.
A 'degree' excludes an associate degree or an honorary degree.
The Bachelor of Construction Management and Property (3 year course) in conjunction with Certificate IV in Building does not meet the qualification requirements for a General Building licence.
3. University degree plus Certificate IV
The completion of a Bachelor of Housing from an Australian university or a degree in any of the following: Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Architecture, Housing, Construction, Construction Management, Construction Technology, Construction Project Management, Construction Economics, Applied Science (Building) or Quantity Surveying, from an Australian University.
Completion of Certificate IV in Building and Construction
- CPC40110 / CPC40108 / BCG40106 / (Building);
- CPC40208 / BCG40206 (Contract Administration); or
- CPC40308 / BCG40306 (Estimating); or
- CPC40508 / BCG40506 (Site Management ), or
The following units must be achieved and indicated in the applicant’s transcript of the Certificate IV in Building and Construction qualification:
- CPCCBC4001 Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 1 and 10 buildings, plus CPCCBC4053 Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 2 to 9 Type C buildings; or CPCCBC4001A/ BCGBC4001A Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for low rise building projects, and
- CPCCBC4002 Manage work health and safety in the building and construction workplace, or CPCCBC4002A / BCGBC4002A Manage occupational health and safety in the building and construction workplace, and
- CPCCBC4003 Select, prepare and administer a construction contract, or CPCCBC4003A / BCGBC4003A Select and prepare a construction contract, and
- CPCCBC4004 / CPCCBC4004A / BCGBC4004A Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects, and
- CPCCBC4005/ CPCCBC4005A / BCGBC4005A Produce labour and material schedules for ordering, and
- CPCCBC4006 Select, procure and store construction materials for building and construction projects / CPCCBC4006A / CPCCBC4006B or BCGBC4006A Select, procure and store construction materials for low rise projects, and
- CPCCBC4007 Plan building and construction work / CPCCBC4007A / BCGBC4007A / Plan building or construction work, and
- CPCCBC4008 Supervise site communication and administration processes for building and construction projects, or CPCCBC4008A / CPCCBC4008B / BCGBC4008A Conduct on-site supervision of building and construction projects, and
- CPCCBC4009 / CPCCBC4009A / CPCCBC4009B / BCGBC4009A Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects, and
- CPCCBC4010 Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructions, or CPCCBC4010A / CPCCBC4010B / BCGBC4010A Apply structural principles to residential low-rise constructions, and
- CPCCBC4011A / CPCCBC4011B / BCGBC4011A Apply structural principles to commercial low-rise constructions, and
- BSBESB407 Manage finances for new business ventures, or BSBSMB421 / BSBSBM406 / BSBSMB406A Manage small business finances, and
- CPCCBC4012 / CPCCBC4012A / CPCCBC4012B / BCGBC4012A / BCGBC4012B Read and interpret plans and specifications, and
- CPCCBC4018 / CPCCBC4018A/ BCGBC4018A Apply site surveys and set out procedures to building and construction projects, and
- CPCCBC4024 / CPCCBC4024A / BCGBC4024A Resolve business disputes.
We will accept the following courses or qualifications in applications for an endorsed contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate for general building work if you either started or completed the course prior to 18 August 2008.
- Certificate IV in Building (3477) conducted by a registered training organisation or TAFE and:
- a carpentry, carpentry and joinery, or bricklaying trade course from TAFE or a registered training organisation, or
- a current carpentry or bricklaying endorsed contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate, or an approved qualification that would allow the issue of such a licence (for details of approved qualifications, see carpentry or bricklaying).
- Diploma in Building (3475) conducted by a registered training organisation including TAFE.
- Advanced Diploma in Building (3471) conducted by registered training organisation including TAFE.
- Certificate IV in Building Studies 90944NSW (1261) from TAFE and:
- a carpentry, carpentry and joinery, or bricklaying trade course from TAFE or a registered training organisation, or
- a current carpentry or bricklaying endorsed contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate, or an approved qualification that would allow the issue of such a licence (for details of approved qualifications, see carpentry or bricklaying).
- Diploma in Building Studies 90945NSW (1262) from TAFE.
- Advanced Diploma in Building Studies 90946NSW (1263) from TAFE.
- Advanced Diploma in Structural Engineering 91155NSW (6443) from TAFE.
- A diploma from an Australian university or a body controlled by an Australia university which is a bridging or pathway course that allows the holder to enrol in a degree in: building; construction management; construction economics; applied science (building); structural engineering; or quantity surveying at an Australian university, but only if the person applying for a licence gained the diploma before 26 March 2012, or started the diploma course before, but did not complete it until after, 26 March 2012.
- A current Certificate of Registration as an Architect under the Architects Act 2003.
- Degree in civil engineering or architecture from an Australian university regardless of when it was gained, and a
- Certificate IV in Building (3477 or TAFE Course 1261).
- Diploma of Structural Engineering 15114NSW (2992) from TAFE.
- Associate Diploma in Applied Science (Building) (5185) TAFE.
- Certificate in Building (5102) TAFE.
- Certificate in Building Foreman & Clerk of Works (135) from TAFE.
- Certificate in Building Supervision (5108) from TAFE.
- Advanced Certificate in Building Supervision (5189) from TAFE.
- Advanced Building Studies Course – Diploma in Building Studies Level V (2183) from TAFE.
- Advanced Building Studies Course – Certificate IV in Building Studies – Residential Level IV (2182) from TAFE PLUS either a carpentry, carpentry and joinery, or bricklaying trade course from TAFE or a registered training organisation.
- Certificate IV in Contractors Management Program conducted by Back to Basics Business Training Pty Ltd ACN 077 042 490, and
- a carpentry, carpentry and joinery, or bricklaying trade course from TAFE or a registered training organisation.
You might be able to have your previous contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate in general building work reissued to you if you fit one of the following 3 situations.
Situation 1
Time since your licence expired
Less than 5 years.
Conditions or restrictions on your licence
What you need to meet the qualification criteria for a new licence/certificate
Provide your previous licence or certificate number.
Situation 2
Time since your licence expired
Less than 5 years.
Conditions or restrictions on your licence
Yes, and your licence was originally issued under mutual recognition because you had a licence from interstate or New Zealand ( Mutual Recognition Act 1992).
What you need to meet the qualification criteria for a new licence/certificate
Provide your previous licence or certificate number.
Your new licence or certificate will have the same restrictions and conditions applied.
Situation 3
Time since your licence expired
Less than 10 years but more than 5 years, and you had the licence or certificate for at least 2 years within that 10 year period.
Conditions or restrictions on your licence
What you need to meet the qualification criteria for a new licence/certificate
You must still meet the current qualification requirements for a new licence or certificate, but you do not need to give us referee statements.
If your application is approved, you will be issued the same licence or qualified supervisor number you had before.
Note: If none of these 3 situations apply to you, you must meet the qualification and experience requirements in full.
To find organisations that deliver nationally recognised training, go to and search via the course code or name.
If you are currently an apprentice or trainee, you cannot be issued with a licence or certificate. Once you have completed your apprenticeship or traineeship, you will need to apply for a contractor licence if you intend to do, or contract for, building or trade work.
If you hold a licence from interstate or New Zealand, and want to work in NSW, see Working interstate and mutual recognition.
This category of building and trade work is included under the NSW Automatic Mutual Recognition (AMR) scheme.
If you trained overseas, see Overseas trained applicants.
Do not make false or misleading claims
Providing false or misleading information is a serious offence.
If your license was obtained based on false or misleading information, you could face criminal prosecution, and your licence or certificate may be cancelled.
Builders' continuing professional development (CPD)
If you are an individual who holds a building or swimming pool building licence or certificate, you need to complete continuing professional development (CPD) each year as a condition of your licence renewal.
You must keep a diary record of your CPD participation, including documentary proof where possible. You are not required to send these records to Fair Trading, however, you must be able to prove that you complied with CPD requirements, or face the possibility of losing your licence.
Details of the current CPD program are explained on our Commissioners guidelines for continuing professional development page.
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Need help with an application or want to know more about training and accreditation? Get in touch with Building Commission NSW.