Registering a name

What you need to know about the names you can register in NSW.

It is important to choose a name carefully as it will appear on the NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages Register for life. A person's name establishes their legal identity and also appears on all important documentation such as Medicare cards, Passports and Driver's Licenses. 

Prohibited names

The names that parents choose for their child – or that people choose for themselves – must be consistent with the rules set out in the NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1995

Under law, names that fall into one or more of the categories below may be considered prohibited. 

Names that are obscene or offensive

For example, swear words, names that include sexual, alcohol or drug references, racial or cultural slurs, or are otherwise likely to insult or offend.

Names that are too long

The maximum number of characters for each of the family, given and middle names is 50.

Names that consist of or include symbols without phonetic significance

For example, names such as 1st, Snr, include Roman Numerals, or random punctuation.

Names that cannot be established by repute or usage for some other reason

These names may be impractical for daily use in the community or for some other reason.

Names that include official title or rank

You cannot register a name that might be confused with a title or rank that has been given through an official process, descent or inheritance. For example, names such as Doctor or Duke of Edinburgh.

Names that are contrary to the public interest for some other reason

These names may include those that cause social disharmony, use trademarks, or refer to administrative processes. For example, Adolf Hitler, the Socceroos, or Passport.

What happens if a name cannot be registered

If it is determined that the name you chose may be prohibited, the Registry will contact you to understand why you have chosen the name and whether the name has specific relevance to you, your family or culture.

In making the decision whether to register the name, the Registry will also consider:

  • how the name is currently perceived in the community
  • how the name is spelt and how it sounds when spoken
  • suitability of the name for legal identity and administrative purposes
  • cultural or religious reasons for choosing a name
  • its legal obligations. 
Questions about registering a name

If you would like to register a name and you are not sure whether it can be registered, contact us.

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