The Safe Shooting Program aims to enhance sport shooting facilities across New South Wales in order to provide safe, inclusive and accessible shooting environments for local communities.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $10,000 to $50,000
- Application opened: 28 February 2023
- Application closed: 14 April 2023, 1:00 pm
Program objective
The key objectives of the Safe Shooting Grant Program are:
- Improve the quality and safety of existing shooting facilities across New South Wales
- Increase utilisation of existing shooting facilities
- Increase participation in the sport of shooting
- Provide inclusive and accessible community sport facilities to grow participation for women and girls, people with disability, First Nations peoples and people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities
- Incorporate environmental sustainability and climate resiliency into design, construction and operation, utilising best practice design principles.
This program is administered by Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade.
Who can apply
NSW incorporated, community based not-for-profit shooting organisations (clubs and associations) that are approved by the NSW Firearms Registry
Shooting ranges in NSW approved and administered by the NSW Firearms Registry
NSW State Sporting Organisations relevant to the sport of shooting including NSW Amateur Pistol Association, NSW Clay Target Association and NSW Rifle Association
Who can’t apply
Ineligible applicants are any organisation types not listed in the ‘Who can apply’ section, and include (but are not limited to):
- Incorporated, community-based, not-for-profit sporting organisations (clubs and associations whose primary purpose is to organise sporting activities/deliver sport programs) outside of the sport of shooting
- Individuals
- Schools, TAFEs, and Universities
- Parents and Citizens (P&C’s) Associations
- Progress Associations
- NSW Institute of Sport, Australian Sports Commission (incorporating the Australian Institute of Sport) and NSW Regional Academies of Sport
- NSW based professional sporting organisations competing in national or state competitions
- NSW Department of Education operated specialist sports high schools
- NSW Office of Sport recognised NSW State Sporting Organisations (including National Sporting Organisations where the state body is part of a unitary governance model) outside of the sport of shooting
- Australian Universities with NSW campuses
- NSW Government agencies. Local government authorities in New South Wales
- Regional Joint Organisations of councils, the Lord Howe Island Board and the Unincorporated Far West groups
- Organisations providing sport and recreation programs that benefit the community, such as PCYCs, YMCA and YWCA
- Private enterprises (companies established under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), incorporated associations established under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW) or incorporated limited partnerships established under the Partnership Act 1892 (NSW).
Types of projects funded under this grant
Examples of eligible project types and costs include:
- Upgrade of firearms capital equipment and/or facilities to comply with Workplace Health & Safety legislation or as directed by the NSW Firearms Registry
- Construction or implementation of new or upgraded security infrastructure that improves safety for users and the wider community
- New and upgraded provision of universally designed amenities that are beyond compliant with regard to the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and provide dignified inclusion in sport participation, for example disability access, unisex toilets or change rooms designed to be female-friendly, including parent and child change spaces
- Environmentally and operationally sustainable initiatives that support water, energy and financial savings including new or upgrades to lighting including technology-controlled and LED lighting and installation of solar panels and smart metering technology
- Erection of higher earth mounds or safety baffles to combat urban encroachment
- Buying or upgrading non-fixed equipment (e.g., electronic targetry, movable baffles and movable bullet traps)
- Projects that improve the storage, security and safety capability of shooting clubs
What can’t you apply for
The Program will not fund the following projects or project components:
- Purchase of firearms or ammunition
- Purchase of protective clothing
- That do not meet relevant Australian standards
- Projects on private land unless there is clear public benefit to the community’s interest in sport and active recreation and have documented consent from the landowner
- Costs associated with preparing and submitting the application for funding under this program
- Costs associated with feasibility, design, or development stages including feasibility studies, business cases and masterplans
- Facilities where little or no public access is available
- For the purchase or lease of land/facility
- Related to administrative or operational expenditure which are normally the responsibility of businesses, state agencies or local councils
- Retrospective funding, where projects have commenced construction or are completed prior to the execution of a funding agreement, or which could proceed without any NSW Government financial assistance
- Projects that have already been funded by the NSW Government unless significant new and additional project scope is identified
- General maintenance or replacement costs through normal wear and tear (e.g. painting, running costs and minor repairs to existing facilities)
- For the building or upgrade of licensed areas and gaming areas
- Repair of facilities where the damage can be covered by insurance
- Ancillary infrastructure e.g. car parks or accommodation
- Project administration costs and costs for the ongoing operation of the facility.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
Download the Program Guidelines and supporting documentation.
Read these guidelines and related materials to make sure you understand all relevant requirements.
Prepare your application with this checklist
Step 1: Check your eligibility
- See Eligible Applicants section of these Guidelines to see which organisations can apply for funding
- If you are not eligible, you can partner with an eligible organisation, although they will need to be the applicant organisation and submit the application
Step 2: Understand the requirements
- Before you apply, please read these guidelines and related materials to make sure you understand all relevant requirements, including whether you are eligible to apply.
- You can find the relevant information on the Office of Sport’s website: Safe Shooting Program
Step 3: Prepare your application
- Gather your evidence including letters of support, funding commitments, development approvals/exemptions, images/plans, quotes, participation data etc
- To submit a complying application all mandatory fields must be completed, and mandatory support documents must be uploaded and submitted
- For questions relating to the grants program or for specific assistance with the online system, email the Office of Sport Grants Unit at or call 13 13 02 during standard office hours
Step 4: Submit your application
- Applying for a grant is a simple process using the SmartyGrants platform
- The Office of Sport recommends that applicants familiarise themselves with the online application form ahead of preparing the application and plan to submit ahead of the closing date to reduce the risk of missing the deadline.
- Complete your application by filling in each of the sections.
- Upload all required supporting documentation.
- Submit your application before the closing date and time.
- Projects must be submitted through the SmartyGrants website to be considered eligible.
- Successful submissions will be issued with a SmartyGrants system generated acknowledgement email containing a PDF copy of the application which will confirm the time the application was submitted.
Address the eligibility criteria
- Applicant organisation is an eligible applicant (see Eligibility section above).
- Applicant has provided an ABN/ACN and/or Incorporation number and/or Indigenous Incorporation Number.
- Proposed project is in NSW.
- Grant request is a minimum of $10,000 and does not exceed $50,000.
- The applicant organisation is eligible to apply and has Public Liability Insurance with a minimum $20m cover.
Address the assessment criteria
Criterion 1: Strategic justification (30%)
- Describe how the project improves the quality and safety of existing facility.
- Explain how the project will lead to increased facility utilisation / sport participation overall and for groups that traditionally face barriers to participation in sport shooting such as:
- Women and girls
- People with disability
- First Nations peoples
- People from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
- Provide details of community profile, demonstrated need, key user groups, primary project beneficiaries and the project urgency specifically for women and girls. Note: Priority will be given to facilities where evidence shows it as:
- being in poor or unserviceable condition
- addressing a demonstrated need for the community
- high urgency to address facility building compliance requirements for example safety, building standards, including the DDA.
- Describe community and stakeholder consultation, management, and project support (provide relevant attachments and support letters).
- Describe how the project aligns with your organisation’s strategic plans and those of the NSW Office of Sport, NSW Government and/or sport or council policies/plans, where relevant.
Criterion 2: Project scope and inclusive design (20%)
- Provide a clear scope of proposed project works. Identify eligible and ineligible project components.
- Provide supporting documentation such as facility design brief, concept, schematic or detailed design plans.
- Describe how elements of the project’s design and physical environment will specifically cater to women and girls, people with disability, First Nations peoples, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
- Identify any Design Principles outlined in the program guidelines that have been incorporated into the project, and specifically how the project incorporates environmental sustainability and climate resiliency into design, construction, and operation. Provide details such as choice of materials, technologies and practices that have been incorporated for example energy and water conservation taps, sustainable and climate resilient materials for flooring.
- Outline any other best practice approaches in the design, development and delivery of the project that address the Program’s objectives.
Criterion 3: Project affordability (20%)
- Provide a detailed project budget including capital costs and funding sources. The budget should clearly identify the project components that will be funded by the grant and the components to be funded by the applicant.
- Provide evidence to support budgeted costs and revenues, for example itemised cost estimates, assumptions for revenue projections.
- Provide evidence of approval for any co-contribution to the project either financially or inkind.
Criterion 4: Project deliverability and applicant capability (30%)
- Provide evidence of landowner(s) consent for the project.
- Provide evidence of Development Application approval (if required) or demonstrate that a Development Application is not required. Projects with approved Development Applications will be prioritised.
- If no Development Application is required, confirm there are no planning, construction, zoning, environmental and/or Native Title impediments to delivering the project (for example Review of Environmental Factors).
- Provide a detailed project plan that identifies key project tasks and milestones and a forecast delivery timeline. The project plan must clearly illustrate that construction will commence by 30 September 2023 and be completed by 30 September 2024.
- List any assumptions, constraints, and dependencies in delivering the project.
- Demonstrate the capacity to deliver the project through robust strategies for procurement, project management and risk management.
- Demonstrate any partnership model (including asset management) that would be administered to deliver the project.
- Demonstrate proven experience in delivering similar size projects. This should consider the applicant’s proposed project management resources and any specialist external resources to be engaged to deliver the project.
- Applicant meets key obligations for other Office of Sport funded projects where there is/has been a funding agreement with the applicant.
- Provide details on how the project will contribute to economic employment opportunities including job creation (i.e., the estimated number of direct and indirect FTE and PTE positions)
- During design and construction (for example, design team, project managers, contractors and supply chain opportunities including materials and maintenance), and
- During operation (for example, facility managers and other economic benefits such as hosting future events that provide a visitor economy benefit).
Start the application
Projects must be submitted through the SmartyGrants website to be considered eligible.
After the application is submitted
Application outcomes will be advised from June 2023 onwards.
Funding agreements must be executed for successful projects within 3 months of notification.
Construction must commence 30 September 2023 and be completed by 30 September 2024.