Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $100,000 to $200,000
- Application opened: 7 February 2024
- Application closed: 18 March 2024, 2:00 pm
Program objective
The Uptown Grant Program aims to enable the development of districts across Greater Sydney into unique going out destinations by supporting formally aligned groups of businesses in a local area (District Teams) to collectively work on enhancing their district’s offering and building consumer engagement with their district.
Please refer to this link for a downloadable copy of the full guidelines.
The Program will provide funding to District Teams for coordination and consumer engagement activities to meet the objectives of:
- increasing coordination and collaboration between businesses in distinct geographical areas
- supporting business models that allow for partnerships, including major events, brands and government
- increasing the marketability of unique districts with distinct products developed
- increasing consumer awareness and engagement with districts
Image Credit: Cassandra Hannagan
This program is funded and administered by Create NSW.
Who can apply
District Teams which meet the eligibility criteria:
- are an Eligible Entity
- are located in an Eligible Local Government Area (see additional information below)
District Teams must be one of the following entities to apply:
- Incorporated Association
- Company Limited by Guarantee
- Non-distributing Co-operative
Eligible Entities must, at the time of application:
- have an applicable Australian Business Number (ABN)
- be registered for GST or provide evidence of GST registration application
- have a bank account with an Australian financial institution, or provide evidence of application
- not be insolvent
- be able to execute a Funding Deed with the NSW Government if successful
Location that are eligible include Bayside, Blacktown, Blue Mountains, Burwood, Camden, Campbelltown, Canada Bay, Canterbury-Bankstown, City of Parramatta, Cumberland, Fairfield, Georges River, Hawkesbury, Hornsby, Hunters Hill, Inner West, Ku-Ring-Gai, Lane Cove, Liverpool, Mosman, North Sydney, Northern Beaches, Penrith, Randwick, Ryde, Strathfield, Sutherland Shire, Sydney, The Hills Shire, Waverley, Willoughby, Wollondilly, Woollahra
Types of projects funded under this grant
1. District Coordination
A minimum of 50% of the total allocated funding must be spent on a coordination function for your district.
The coordination function may take the form of:
- Salary/wages and entitlements for employees specifically engaged for the project i.e. the direct employment of a staff member to manage the coordination of your district and its activities.
- Contract employment of a staff member(s) to manage the coordination of your district and its activities.
- Third party professional services to manage the coordination of your District and its activities
NOTE: The staff member may be employed by either the Eligible Entity or a member business that is reimbursed. Businesses will be required to provide evidence of any payments relating to the above activities.
Payments must be in line with relevant standards, industry rates and awards (if applicable).
2. A. Consumer Engagement
The remaining funding may be used for marketing and promotional activities to increase consumer awareness and engagement with the district.
This activity may take the form of:
- Brand and asset development
- Advertising and/or marketing campaign (including design and production costs)
- Public relation activity
- Online presence development e.g. website, social media profiles etc.
- Trial and/or expansion of recurring, multi-venue program(s)*
*2.B Recurring Programming
The trial and/or expansion of recurring, multi-venue program(s) to encourage on-going visitation to your district, may include the following costs:
- Artist fees
- AV and staging equipment hire
- Program and production development fees
To be eligible to receive funding to trial recurring, multi-venue program(s), you must provide evidence that you have established appropriate brand and marketing assets for your district.
Evidence includes a logo, related brand assets and consumer facing engagement tools such as websites and social media accounts that use the identified brand assets.
When the project can start and end
Program completion within 12 months from receipt of the grant.
The project should be started by 1 June 2024.
Who can’t apply
Applicants are not eligible to apply if, at the time of application, they:
- are not one of the eligible entities, or
- have received funding for the purpose of a Community Improvement District or a Business Improvement District in the past five years. This includes businesses that have multiple ABNs and have already used one of their ABNs to claim a grant.
Types of projects not funded under this grant
The following activities are ineligible for funding under the proceeds of a grant under the Program:
- Rent and utilities
- Purchase or lease of land or property
- Venue hire
- Activities, equipment or supplies that are already being supported through other sources
- Financing costs, including interest and debt financing
- Maintenance and repairs
- Capital works
- Purchasing of permanent equipment / fixed assets
- Fundraising/prizes
- Education or training costs
- Costs incurred before notification of application outcome
- Activity that constitutes the normal course of business for District Team members, not related to eligible grant activities
- Activity that takes place outside of the eligible district; and
- Activity that takes place after the end of the grant funding period.
Additional eligibility requirements
Eligible entities representing a District Team must be located within one or more of the following eligible LGAs in Greater Sydney:
- Bayside Council
- Blacktown City Council
- Blue Mountains City Council
- Municipality of Burwood
- Camden Council
- Campbelltown City Council
- City of Canada Bay
- City of Canterbury-Bankstown
- Cumberland City Council
- Fairfield City Council
- Georges River Council
- City of Hawkesbury
- The Hills Shire
- Hornsby Shire
- Municipality of Hunter’s Hill
- Inner West Council
- Ku-ring-gai Council
- Lane Cove Council
- City of Liverpool
- Mosman Council
- North Sydney Council
- Northern Beaches Council
- City of Parramatta
- City of Penrith
- City of Randwick
- City of Ryde
- Municipality of Strathfield
- Sutherland Shire
- City of Sydney
- Waverley Council
- City of Willoughby
- Municipality of Woollahra
- Wollondilly Shire
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
Your application will need to include the following:
- the total grant amount requested
- a District Team profile including a list of the number of team members, their business names and type, ownership/contact details and operating details of member businesses involved
- evidence that your District Team is represented by an Eligible entity including your membership, constitution, and ABN
- a nominated lead representative for your District Team, including contact information and relevant identity documentation
- a description of the geographical boundary of your District including the LGA(s) in which the District is located
- a clear and concise District vision
- a District Plan outlining activities that will be delivered within the funding period
- a well substantiated Budget for how you will spend the grant, including any co-contributions
- a constitution or governance plan which details the structure and arrangements for the District Team
- a Risk Management Plan
- a letter of support or no objection from the local council your District is based in (desirable, not mandatory)
- a Programming Plan if delivering a recurring, multi-venue program
- evidence of district longevity and growth demonstrated through current or planned partnerships, strategies to engage, retain and attract members and ability to sustain activities beyond the grant program
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
All applications will be assessed for eligibility and only eligible applications will be considered for funding. You will be required to provide the following information to demonstrate and substantiate how your application meets these criteria:
1. District Vision (10%) - A vision for your district that clearly summarises the district’s aims and purpose. The vision should reflect how you want your district represented and promoted.
The District Vision should clearly demonstrate:
- Goals
- Audience (existing and/or desired)
- District member growth aspirations
- Character
- Aspiration for the identity of your location
- Unique selling proposition
2. Composition (10%) - Demonstrate strength and diversity within the District Team’s membership, which reflects District Vision and connection to district location.
Details of the active members within the Eligible Entity, including a breakdown of:
- the number of businesses involved, their names and addresses
- the sectors represented
- the role and relevance of the members in delivering the District Vision
A business chamber may also provide a full list of their membership.
3. District Plan (30%) - A comprehensive plan for your district which outlines the deliverables you seek to achieve and alignment to the objective of the Uptown Grant Program.
A comprehensive District Plan should clearly demonstrate:
- Coordinator role and activities (e.g. meeting coordination, partner identification, business networking and any other action areas identified in the District Vision)
- Consumer engagement activities that develop and/or promote the District brand
- Objectives of the project
- Roles and responsibilities
- Timelines for delivery, including key milestones and ability to deliver within 12 months
- Success measures, including outcomes and KPIs (see list of indicators in Appendix B of the PDF Guidelines from the Office of the 24-Hour Economy Commissioner)
- Programming plan* if trialling recurring, multi-venue programming
*If your district is seeking funding to trial or expand recurring, multi-venue programming, a separate programming plan must be provided. The plan must clearly demonstrate:
- Event purpose and description
- Objectives and how the event promotes the District brand
- Target audience
- Ability for the event to be recurring
- Participating venues
- Timelines
- Activities and deliverables
- Communication plan
- Outcomes and success measures
4. Budget (20%) - A detailed and itemised budget of the proposed activities to be undertaken within a 12-month period.
The budget must demonstrate clear use of funds through identifying:
- the total amount being sought
- costs for eligible activities and deliverables
- other proposed income
- source of funding for activities (i.e. Grant funds or other income streams)
- adherence to the minimum 50% spend on district coordination
5. Governance & Risk (15%) - Demonstration of governance structures that support the District Vision and ability to deliver on the objective of the Uptown Grant Program. Consideration given to risks and how they will be managed by the District Team in the short and long term.
Evidence of appropriate governance structures and arrangements such as a constitution which covers the following:
- Membership (e.g. fees, entitlements, liabilities)
- Committee (e.g. functions, member election, duties)
- Meetings (e.g. how and when they will be conducted)
- Decision making (e.g. notices, quorum, voting)
A risk management plan that identifies and provides evidence of consideration given to short and long-term risks.
Evidence of insurance coverage, as appropriate, for your District Team’s activities.
6. Longevity & Growth (15%) - Demonstrate commitment and capacity for District Teams to develop long-term business models that allow for district sustainment and growth.
Demonstrate ability to sustain District activities beyond the Uptown Grant Program, including:
- strategies to identify, attract and engage sponsors, partners, councils and other government agencies
- evidence of current, past or planned partnerships
- capacity to generate income through other funding streams such as membership fees and grants
- outline of in-kind support
- strategy for sustaining and attracting membership
- approach to funding and/or using an on-going coordination function
- evidence of the growth of the District since its establishment (e.g. members, social media followers etc.)
- letter of support or no objection from the relevant council your District is based in (desirable, not mandatory)
Where an applicant does not provide the required information identified above, DEIT reserves the right to:
- provide the applicant with the opportunity to provide the required information within probity requirements; or
- assess the application on the basis of the information provided; or
- deem the application to be non-conforming and decline the application, including where the application is considered not viable due to unsatisfactory governance.
Other relevant factors and risks may also be considered, as determined by DEIT, in its sole discretion, including:
- assessment of the applicant’s management, its directors and officers and entities or individuals that exercise control over an applicant against the eligibility criteria; and
- assessment of other factors that may cause applicants to be unsuitable for support, such as any personnel or business activities that could cause reputational or other risk to the NSW Government.
DEIT reserves the right to use any other resource, process or procedure available - which may include the use of third-party services - to assess any claims made by, or risks associated with, the Applicant.
Start the application
Application requirements
Applications will not be considered unless they:
- are sufficiently detailed and specific to allow consideration against the Program objectives and Assessment Criteria;
- provide a completed form and associated templates; and
- are submitted by the deadline.
Failure to provide this information may result in the application being deemed as ineligible or non-conforming and may not be considered at DEIT’s absolute discretion. The application form will include access to templates listed below which will be mandatory to use:
- District plan
- Programming plan
- Budget
- Risk management plan
Once you submit your application, you will receive an email confirmation from our secure online grants system.
Applications will not be received after the closing date and time, unless there were technical difficulties outside of your control in submitting your application. In this instance, you must contact DEIT as soon as possible ahead of the closing time and provide evidence and information, including:
- error messages with timestamps; and
- all necessary documentation for application submission within one hour of the closing time.
Late applications due to technical difficulties will be reviewed and eligibility determined with absolute discretion by the 24-Hour Economy Commissioner.
Additional considerations
DEIT may, at its sole discretion, and at any stage of the application process, do all or any of the following:
- require additional information from an applicant;
- change the scope or the requirements of these guidelines;
- vary, amend (including by replacement) or terminate the application process; and
- re-open an application after the closing date, provided it doesn’t give the applicant an advantage over other applicants.
Application results
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application under embargo as soon as possible after an application is approved.
Under embargo
When Applicants are notified under embargo, they are not permitted to publicise the outcome until the official announcement has been made by the relevant Minister or by the O24HEC within DEIT.
The embargo period is taken seriously and failure to comply may impact your current or future funding eligibility.
Unsuccessful applications
Applicants that are not successful will be notified by email of the outcome of their unsuccessful application. Unsuccessful applicants will have the opportunity to receive feedback on their application via an optional online feedback session with DEIT.
Funding deed
Successful Applicants will be required to enter into a funding deed with DEIT prior to payment of the funding.
The funding deed will be prepared by DEIT and set out the obligations of the Recipient of the funding, including but not limited to monitoring and reporting, project scope, completion of milestones and payment, and permitted use of the funding.
The funding deed will require the Recipient to provide a copy of all relevant insurances, project approvals and other supporting documentation relevant to the project or as requested by DEIT.
Funding payment
80% of the funding will be paid on execution of the funding deed by both parties and 20% on completion of the first Deliverable.
To qualify for the second payment, Districts must provide a progress report for approval from DEIT.
The funding deed will include project scope of works and project conditions and set out payment milestones and the expected activities to satisfy each milestone.
Payment will not be made until any former DEIT outstanding acquittals have been submitted.
Please refer to Contracts and Payments information for the process regarding successful applications.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: The Secretary, Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade
Eligibility Check
Your application will then be checked for eligibility against the published Eligibility Criteria.
If eligible, your application will proceed to the next assessment stage. If ineligible, you will be advised via email within 14 business days after the closing date of the Uptown Grant Program and your application will not proceed to assessment.
DEIT reserves the right to provide Applicants with an opportunity to provide clarification or additional information regarding the Eligibility Criteria provided the principles of probity are not breached. Incomplete applications will be deemed ineligible unless otherwise determined by DEIT.
Assessment Stage 1
The Assessment Panel will assess all eligible applications against the published Assessment Criteria.
The Assessment Panel will be chaired by DEIT and include senior representatives from across NSW Government. External experts/advisors may be invited to provide advice during any part of the assessment process.
Assessment Stage 2
The Assessment Panel’s scores will be amalgamated and presented at an assessment meeting to determine their final recommendations.
They will consider the assessment criteria, the demographics, distribution, range, and scale of the initial recommendations.
This may include prioritising applications and activities with outcomes that better meet the Program objectives or address and ensure equity and the best outcomes for NSW Government investment.
DEIT may also request further advice and/or clarification from Applicants during the assessment process.
Applicants are not guaranteed funding, or the full funding amount requested even if your application meets the Assessment Criteria.
Decision Making
The Assessment Panel’s advice and recommendations will be provided to the DEIT Secretary for final consideration and approval.
Probity Advice
An independent probity advisor will provide guidance to DEIT and the Assessment Panel on any issues concerning integrity, fairness and accountability that may arise throughout the application, assessment, and decision-making process. This will ensure decisions are made with integrity, fairness and accountability, while delivering value for money for NSW.
Conflicts of interest
Any conflicts of interest will be managed in accordance with NSW Government Grants Administration Guide. A conflict of interest, or perceived conflict of interest, may be identified if staff, any member of a committee or advisor and/or you or any of your personnel:
- has a professional, commercial, or personal relationship with a party who can influence the application selection process, or
- has a relationship with or interest in, an organisation, which is likely to interfere with or restrict the applicants from carrying out the proposed activities fairly and independently, or
- has a relationship with, or interest in, an organisation from which they will receive personal gain because the organisation received a grant under the grant program.
Applicants will be asked to declare, as part of your application, any perceived or existing conflicts of interests or that, to the best of your knowledge, there is no conflict of interest.
A business is eligible to participate in only one District Team, with the exception of businesses operating multiple venues under one ABN. In this instance, a conflict of interest should be declared by that business to their prospective District Teams.
If you identify an actual, apparent, or perceived conflict of interest at any time, you must inform DEIT immediately. DEIT staff can be contacted 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) via:
- Phone: (02) 9228 4578
- Email:
NSW Government staff, committee members and other officials including the decision maker must declare any conflicts of interest and are managed as per the DEIT Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Grants Administration Guide.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is May 2024
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is Funding deeds will be sent out one month after successful notification.
Support and contact
For further information or clarification, please contact DEIT staff between 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) on:
- Phone: (02) 9228 4578
- Email: