Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $50,000 to $100,000
- Application opened: 1 June 2024
- Application closed: 30 August 2024, 12:00 pm
Program objective
The Program is aimed to support communities and volunteers to be better prepared, supported, coordinated and mobilised to respond to disaster events.
Spontaneous or Informal Volunteers are individuals or groups of people who offer their assistance during and/or after an emergency who are unaffiliated with any part of the existing official emergency management response and recovery system.
Applicants were notified of round outcomes on 4 November 2024.
This program is funded and administered by NSW Reconstruction Authority.
Who can apply
To be eligible for funding, the Applicant must meet each of the following requirements:
- Be an Eligible Applicant Type
- NSW Local Councils
- Not-for-Profit Entity Registered with Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC)
- Not-for-Profit Entity Registered with Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC)
- Social Enterprise with certification through Social Traders
- Auspiced Unincorporated Entity must be auspiced by one of the above Eligible Applicant Types (refer to “Auspiced Unincorporated Entities” additional criteria information in the Guidelines).
- Have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
- Be registered for GST.
- Must not be in administration or have debts owing to NSW Government (excluding Local Government).
- Must provide minimum of one (1) Letter of Support and/or Endorsement (max. 2): Either Local Emergency Management Committee, Local Council, NSW RFS or NSW SES addressing Applicant’s role in local community relevant to mobilising and managing informal volunteers.
- Submit an Eligible Project as per the Guidelines.
Additionally the Guidelines stipulate:
- Limit on number of Applications per Applicant: No Limit
- Limit on number of Awarded Grants: 1
Who the grant is targeted towards
The target group for projects funded under the Program are Informal Volunteers who may operate as individual spontaneous volunteers or as part of an emergent group of people who come together to respond to a particular challenge.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Projects must address a minimum of two (2) Key Activity Types:
- Equipment
- Training & Knowledge
- Planning
- Community Engagement
The Program has been designed in this way to support the relevant aspects of Informal Volunteering in an Applicant’s community.
For detailed information on project eligibility please refer to the Eligible Projects Sub-Criteria in the Guidelines.
When the project can start and end
Projects must commence no later than 30 days of execution of the funding agreement (i.e. staff recruitment activity not required to be able to commence immediately) and be completed by 31 January 2026.
The project should be started by 1 February 2025 and the project must be completed by 31 January 2026.
Outcomes for projects funded under this grant
The Program’s objective is to support communities and volunteers to be better prepared, supported, coordinated and mobilised to respond to disaster events.
The Program aims to achieve this by funding locally led initiatives in NSW communities that will develop Informal Volunteers’ capacity, capability, and coordination in times of emergencies.
The target End of Program Outcomes include:
- Informal volunteers are equipped to respond and can effectively use equipment and resources.
- Informal volunteers have the capability, knowledge and confidence to support community response efforts.
- Communities and informal volunteers have plans that can be effectively enacted.
- Informal volunteers understand their role and contribution in an emergency response.
What costs you can apply for
Eligible costs are costs directly associated with the delivery of the project and can be funded through this program.
Eligible Project Costs can include:
- A funding request that does not exceed the maximum grant amount and is not below the minimum grant amount.
- Costs for the purchase of equipment comply with the Equipment Lists in Appendix B.
- Costs for the provision of training including stipends for participants to attend (where reasonable and quantified in the Application), facilities hire, planning and facilitation, design and publication of materials, community/ public messaging such as radio, print media and billboard space.
- Costs for other initiatives supporting volunteer and community engagement, planning and facilitation activities. This may include consultant engagements where the outputs are direct project costs.
- Project management / grant administration including technical and professional staff involved in delivery of the proposed project (cannot exceed a maximum of 10% of total requested funding).Agreed program signage if applicable.
- Contingency funds (cannot exceed a maximum of 5% of total requested funding).
Who can’t apply
You are ineligible to apply if you do not meet the above requirements.
Unfortunately, for probity reasons, the Authority is unable to provide eligibility rulings on individual Projects. Proponents can submit a written question on eligibility matters to:
The Authority can advise if a Project appears to meet eligibility requirements, but Proponents need to form their own view on whether the Project is eligible in order to submit the Application.
Final determination on eligibility will be made by the Executive Panel under the assessment process.
Proponents are expected to carefully review the eligibility and assessment criteria in these Guidelines.
What costs you can't apply for
To be deemed an Eligible Application, the budget must not include:
- Costs not aligned with the objectives of the Program and the Eligible Key Activity Types.
- Ongoing/recurrent funding that is required beyond the stated timeframe of the activities outlined in the Application.
- Funding for any ongoing or BAU staff or operational costs, including office equipment, communications legal and accounting fees and bank charges, except:
- a) Costs for project management / grants administration to a maximum of 10% of grant funding.
- b) Where an ongoing staff member is involved in the project and their substantive role is backfilled by a temporary employee that is funded through the grant.
- Costs relating to any insurance or liability. This includes the insurance or depreciation of equipment or storage, maintenance or replenishment costs associated with pre-existing equipment.
- Repair or replacement of existing infrastructure where there is no demonstrated benefit.
- Vehicle and office equipment leasing, unless directly related to the delivery of the Project.
- Projects that have already received full funding, or a commitment of full funding, including projects that have received funding from another source for the same purpose of the application (i.e. ‘double-dipping’).
- Retrospective costs, including costs incurred by the applicant and/or third parties, for work already undertaken, part completed or that will commence prior to a funding decision being made.
- Costs incurred in the preparation of an application, business case development or feasibility studies.
- Activities conducted outside of Australia.
- Overseas or interstate travel.
- Purchase of land or existing infrastructure, including costs relating to the acquisition or sub-division of land.
- Activities with the potential to adversely impact on a matter of national environmental significance under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)Statutory fees and charges, and any costs associated with obtaining regulatory and/or development approvals.
- The payment of existing debts or budget deficits.
- Making donations, gifts or sponsorships.
This list is not exhaustive and other costs may be ineligible where the Authority determines the expenditure does not directly support the achievement of the planned outcomes of the project, or they are contrary to the objectives of the Program. If you are successful in receiving a grant, you must attest in the Funding Agreement that there are adequate funds to meet the costs of any ineligible expenditure associated with the project where applicable.
Types of projects not funded under this grant
Application submissions must be compliant with the following:
- Must not provide a private benefit for the Applicant organisation, for example private use of equipment.
- Must not involve duplication of grant funding from another NSW or Australian Government grant program for the same project.
- Does not constitute duplication of programs, projects or initiatives already being delivered in the community, such as SES CAT and RFS Farm Fire Units.
- Must not be core business of the organisation and its day to day activities, including supplementing, increasing or continuing ongoing service delivery.
- Must not seek retrospective funding to cover any projects already in progress or completed.
- Responses to Merit Assessment Questions must be clear and complete.
- Must be submitted by the closing date and time unless approval is granted for a Late Application (refer Section 3.1 of the Guidelines).
Example projects
Example Activities that could form part of Eligible Projects under the Key Activity Types include but are not limited to:
- Equipment purchasing to support Informal Volunteer training and participation, including but not limited to two-way communication radios, First Aid kits, gloves, etc.
- First aid / Psychological First Aid Training- Hazard awareness training by Emergency Service Organisations to utilise / incorporate volunteers in formalised emergency response.
- Community-led planning, coordination activities resulting key policy and procedural documentation.
- Development of framework for local Informal Volunteer coordination and registration.
- Initiatives to build general community awareness of how to respond in an emergency and to engage community groups in planning.
- Providing access to information and resources on how to respond in emergency situations.
Refer to the Guidelines for more information.
What co-contributions are required
An Applicant’s co-contributions towards a Project are not mandatory but will be considered in the merit assessment.
Co-contributions from other Commonwealth or State grant funding programs must not constitute duplication of grant funding for the same Project. If the Applicant includes cash co-contributions from other Commonwealth or State grant funding programs, the proponent must certify on the submission that the Guidelines for the other grant funding source allow it to be used as a co-contribution for another grant program and that the project scope is different to what has previously received funding.
Co-contribution costs can include, but are not limited to:
- a direct (cash) funding contribution provided at the time of project commencement;
- any costs associated with the Applicant’s delivery of the project, for example construction or project delivery; and
- other in-kind costs, such as wages directly attributable to the delivery of the project, and/or supplies, materials, and specific equipment required to execute the project.
- as identified in the Eligible Project Sub-Criteria, Applicants are required to demonstrate that the project must be for new and unfunded initiatives. As such, where a cash co-contribution is being provided which is from Commonwealth or other State funding, Applicants are required to certify that the project scope is different to what has previously received funding.
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
- Download the Guidelines
- Confirm you have access to SmartyGrants
- Review the Application Form questions and prepare information
- Prepare mandatory and optional attachments
- Coordinate internal review and approval of Application information before submission
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
- Demonstrated organisational and resourcing capacity and capability to deliver the project (25%)
- Project addresses an unmet need or identified gap in the project location (20%)
- Project has a clear impact and outcomes that are aligned to the Program Objective (20%)
- Represents value for money (15%)
- Evidences the prevalence and severity of local natural hazard risks (10%)
Eligible Applications will also have additional risk-based scoring applied in the assessment based on the State Disaster Mitigation Plan inherent risk data for each LGA. Where a proposal targets multiple LGAs, the risk ranking is applied based on the highest ranked LGA. This additional risk-based scoring represents a maximum of up to 10% of the total assessment score.
Start the application
Applicants are required to submit Applications through SmartyGrants.
All Applications submitted under the Program must meet the Program’s Eligibility Criteria and will be assessed against the Assessment Criteria.
The Guidelines detail key information and attachments that are to be included in Applications.
You must make a submission between the published opening and closing dates. Applications and/or supporting documents submitted after the closing date of 12:00pm AEDT 30 August 2024 may not be considered eligible. The Authority may consider late Applications where there is no risk to the integrity of the evaluation process.
If you find an error in your submission after submitting it, you should contact the Authority immediately in writing to the Program inbox If we find an error or information that is missing, we may ask for clarification or additional information from you that will not change the nature of your submission.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: NSW Reconstruction Authority CEO.
Following receipt of Applications, the Authority will initially conduct an eligibility assessment against the Eligibility Criteria outlined in the Guidelines, including that all required information has been provided in the Application form.
Eligible Applications will then undergo preliminary merit assessment against the five criteria listed in the Guidelines completed by Grants Officers.
Eligible Applications will also have additional risk-based scoring applied in the assessment based on the State Disaster Mitigation Plan inherent risk data for each LGA. Where a proposal targets multiple LGAs, the risk ranking is applied based on the highest ranked LGA. This additional risk-based scoring represents a maximum of up to 10% of the total assessment score.
The Authority may also seek advice from NSW Government subject matter experts (SMEs) to support the assessment of Applications.
The Authority reserves the right to conduct additional due diligence on the Applicant and/or their partner(s) as required.
Executive Panel
Preliminary assessments will be submitted to an Executive Panel for deliberation and final recommendations to the Authority’s delegated approver. The Panel may include representatives of the Authority, NSW Government, and independent experts.
The Executive Panel will consider the extent to which Eligible Applicants have addressed the assessment criteria and provided supporting evidence to determine the final merit assessment score.
Ranking based on assessment scoring will generally form the basis of the recommendations made by the Panel unless there is a particular circumstance that requires consideration, such as duplication of projects, including with other initiatives, investment or activities across NSW.
The Panel may by agreement recommend a reduced grant amount at their discretion.
The process followed by the Panel will be independently reviewed.
The Authority may seek the advice of NSW Government subject matter experts (SMEs), probity advisors and other experts, if required.
Applicants may also be contacted during this process to clarify information provided in their Application. The Authority will notify Applicants if additional information is required in writing and the timeframes in which it is required.
Panel Discretion
During the assessment process, the Executive Panel may exercise the following discretions in its deliberations of funding recommendations:
- Apply a minimum scoring requirement to one or more of the criteria in order of priority. Where an application does not meet a minimum scoring requirement on one or more criteria, the Executive Panel reserves the right to remove the application from further consideration.
- Further prioritisation of Eligible Applications based on matters that require consideration, such as consideration of First Nations communities targeted and geographic spread of projects.
Discretions may be applied, for example, in circumstances where the Program is significantly oversubscribed.
Delegated Approver
The final decision maker for awarding grants is the NSW Reconstruction Authority CEO.
The decision maker’s decision is final in all matters, including:
- the approval of the grant
- the grant funding amount to be awarded, and
- the terms and conditions of the grant.
There is no appeal mechanism for decisions to approve or not approve a grant.
Probity advice
Independent probity advisors will provide guidance to Authority on any probity issues that may arise through the Application, assessment, and decision-making process. This will ensure decisions are made with integrity, fairness, and accountability, while delivering value for money for NSW.
Ineligible Project referral for alternative funding opportunities
With the Applicant’s consent, projects that are more suitable for other NSW Government programs may be referred to those programs.
Applications that are referred will be subject to the full Assessment Criteria of the other NSW Government program to which they are referred.
Applicants may need to update their Application to meet the criteria of the referred program. Such referrals will only occur with the Applicant’s consent and at the discretion of the Authority’s Executive Panel.
Feedback including Unsuccessful Applicants
Unsuccessful Applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their Application. If you are unsuccessful, you may ask for feedback within two weeks of being advised of the outcome. The Authority will give written feedback within one month of your request.
Applicants were notified of round outcomes on 4 November 2024.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is 21/10/2024
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is 15/11/2024
Support and contact
All general enquiries will be managed in accordance with the following principles:
- Responses to enquiries are intended to be provided within 3 business days. An auto-reply notification should be active during the application period
- Enquiries must be submitted in writing to the Program inbox, to ensure probity, fairness and consistency of written advice.
- Answers must be returned by the Authority in writing and consistent with published Frequently Asked Questions.
- New questions will be added to the Frequently Asked Questions at the same time that a written response is provided to the Applicant. This ensures fairness and probity that all prospective Applicants receive the same information. For this reason, enquiries cannot be managed verbally.