This indicator includes:
- connections between people who make CVE policy
- the ways in which they have opportunities to share knowledge.
This includes both formal and informal interactions.
Any assessment would need to take into account:
- the types of interactions that occur
- the mechanisms and infrastructure in place to facilitate these interactions
- how often they occur
- the content and usefulness of the experiences and knowledge that is shared.
This indicator supports an outcome of Capability.
Ways to measure
To measure this indicator, collecting:
- quantitative data
- qualitative data
would be necessary.
There is no tool currently available for this. If you are aware of one or have developed one, please contribute to this resource.
See the Countering Violent Extremism Evaluation Indicator Document [pages 121-125] for practical suggestions on ways to measure, such as:
- survey instruments
- example questions
- using administrative data.