Australia (New South Wales)
About the program
The NSW Government is committed to building the resilience of our communities to violent extremism. We have invested in programs to strengthen our community bonds and counter all forms of violent extremism. Responsibility for this is shared between Australian governments, communities, education providers, non-government organisations (NGOs) and the private sector.
NSW is a welcoming and connected society. One which respects the different views, backgrounds and cultures that make us stronger. But there is a small number of individuals who purposely use extreme views to divide us, encourage violence and threaten our safety. This can have an impact on the way we live.
The NSW Government CVE Program is a whole of government program coordinated by NSW Premier’s Department in partnership with Multicultural NSW, NSW Police Force, NSW Department of Communities and Justice (including Corrective Services NSW and Youth Justice NSW), NSW Department of Education and NSW Health.
Key pillars
The program has 4 key pillars:
- Stronger social cohesion
- Support and advice for vulnerable people
- Divert and disengage people engaged in violent extremism
- Continued leadership and engagement
What the program invests in
The program invests in:
- The Community Partnership Action (COMPACT) grants program, the online campaigns to address hate and developing community resilience networks. COMPACT supports community-driven youth engagement projects that aim to inspire and empower young people as champions for community harmony.
- Diversion and disengagement of young people and adults in custody. This includes resourcing for the Proactive Integrated Support Model (PRISM), and specialised case management capability in Youth Justice.
- Police capability to identify and respond to bias crime, including training for frontline police officers, database enhancements, additional intelligence and analysis resources and online campaigns to raise awareness of hate crime.
- Student wellbeing and support programs in schools addressing anti-social and extremist behaviour.
- Integrated case management programs, strengthening coordination of CVE case management for those vulnerable to extremism.
- Community advice and support for people who are worried about a friend or family member vulnerable to violent extremism.
- Engagement with communities, academics, private enterprise and local government to codesign CVE measures and programs.
- Research ensuring CVE programs are responsive to emerging trends and issues and align with best practice.
Relevant reports
NSW Countering Violent Extremism Program Evaluation (PDF 2.06MB), NSW Department of Communities and Justice, October 2019.