Births, Deaths & Marriages events

Events from the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages.

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Showing results 1 - 10 of 124 results
  • The Hive Lethbridge Park, 24 Anderson Ave, Blackett NSW 2770
    The Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) Community Engagement team will be at this event assisting the vulnerable, homeless and those in financial distress to access birth certificates and 1:1 support to access other BDM services.
  • St Andrews Catherdral, Cnr George and Bathurst Street Sydney CBD
    Community Hub days provide assistance to vulnerable people experiencing homelessness or financial distress to access birth certificates and 1:1 support for other Births, Deaths and Marriages services.
  • 3A Stapleton Ave, Sutherland NSW 2232
    NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages staff will be assisting the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community with any birth registration issues families are having and will be providing free birth certificates to vulnerable community members and young people.
  • Marist 180 Youth Services, 36 First Ave, Blacktown, NSW 2148
    The Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) Community Engagement team will be at this event assisting the vulnerable, homeless and those in financial distress to access birth certificates and 1:1 support to access other BDM services.
  • Doonside Neighbourhood Centre, 32 Birdwood Avenue, Doonside
    NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages staff will be assisting the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community with any birth registration issues families are having and will be providing free birth certificates to vulnerable community members and young people.
  • Wayside Chapel, 29 Hughes St, Potts Point
    Also known as WISH, the 1-stop shop providing direct services to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. WISH brings many services together once a month to provide coordinated service delivery to help people out of homelessness.
  • Midjuburi Youth Resource Centre, 23 Yabsley Ave, Marrickville NSW 2204
    The Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) Community Engagement team will be at this event assisting the vulnerable, homeless and those in financial distress to access birth certificates and 1:1 support to access other BDM services.
  • City Community Corrections, 13-15 Wentworth Avenue, Sydney
    NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages staff will be assisting local community corrections offices in helping paroled clients obtain a copy of their birth certificate.
  • 1 Elaroo Ave, Phillip Bay NSW 2036
    NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages staff will be assisting the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community with any birth registration issues families are having and will be providing free birth certificates to vulnerable community members and young people.
  • Wayside Chapel, 29 Hughes St, Potts Point
    Also known as WISH, the 1-stop shop providing direct services to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. WISH brings many services together once a month to provide coordinated service delivery to help people out of homelessness.

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