DCS stories - Karen Ellis making a difference
Karen from Fair Trading is a consumer protection officer making sure all the products you buy are safe and compliant with Australian Consumer Law.

DCS stories - William Dieu making a difference
Will is the Manager of customer experience at Revenue NSW and is passionate about solving customer problems.
Our minister
The Hon. Jihad DIB, MP

Jihad is a former board member of the Australia Day Council of NSW, the NSW Police Commissioner’s Advisory Panel, and the SBS Community Advisory Committee.
Jihad has campaigned tirelessly for inclusiveness and the celebration of diversity in our society, believing in the notion that “if you can see it, you can be it”.
Prior to being elected to the NSW Parliament in 2015, Jihad was Principal of Punchbowl Boys’ High.
Over a period of 9 years, he transformed the school by developing strong relationships with the community, local organisations and government agencies.