Murrumbidgee LHD advisory committees
Local Health Advisory Committees (LHACs) aim to engage and connect with local communities and help advocate for better health services.
Join an advisory committee
Local Health Advisory Committees (LHACs) provide a vital link between community and the health services. Committees meet monthly to discuss health needs, advocate for services and access to services and provide feedback. Each committee identifies and prioritises health needs and works with the health services to benefit each community.
The Committee’s role is to:
- advocate for local community
- connect with local communities about health priorities
- be a voice for planning and evaluation of services
- provide support to local health services
- promote health literacy and wellbeing in their local communities.
Terms of reference
LHAC members are guided by Terms of Reference. View the MLHD local health advisory committee terms of reference (PDF 1.07MB).
Community Engagement Framework
MLHD Community Engagement Framework can be viewed here Community Engagement Framework 2024 (PDF 625.44KB)
Apply to join now
You can apply to join your LHAC at any time by completing the online application form.
Our Local Health Advisory Committees

Chair - Linda Swales
Priority projects for the LHAC include:
- Ageing populations – awareness and access to services.
- Cancer screening – advocacy for screening services.
- Mental Health – advocacy for continuation of programs and support.
- Community Nursing – information around access to services.

Co-chairs - Cheryl Hollard and Christine Grant
Barham has a very small LHAC focusing on the following health priorities for our community:
- Health Literacy - raising the profile of the LHAC.
- World Café – to listen to community needs and feedback.
- Health Career Expo –pathways into health.

Chair - Tony Taylor
Berrigan LHAC meets on the first Monday of the month at 4pm in the Berrigan Hospital, Multipurpose Service (MPS) meeting room (excluding January).
Priorities for the coming year are:
- Workforce recruitment and retention support.
- Medical Practice – Doctor and Practice Nurse.
- Publicity: LHAC noticeboard and community newsletter.
- Aged Care: Carefinder Program and Advanced Care Directives.
We have been actively addressing mental health issues in our rural farming community. These issues include the management of sudden trauma and the effects of the recent flooding by hosting guest speaker information sessions at BBQ’s held locally.
We aim to keep the community up to date with health issues through a local monthly news magazine, our Facebook page and posting notices on a Health notice board. We have also addressed a shortage of information for pregnant women by organising childbirth and breastfeeding education sessions locally. We are currently advocating for the return of some Allied Health services which have been cut in the area.
Our LHAC also arranged for a Coffee and Cake voucher for all our health care personnel at the MPS and the aged care facility as a way of saying ‘thanks’ for all their hard work over the COVID-19 years.
Chair - Marg Kelly
Boorowa LHAC reformed in 2023 with strong and enthusiastic membership from 10 local people.
Contact us to let us know how we can support and advocate for you.
Follow us: Boorowa LHAC Facebook

Chair - Peter Symes
Coolamon LHAC members will attend local events within the Coolamon Shire, with an easy to identify stand. Our aim is to raise the profile of our local LHAC, showing our interest in Consumer Health Advocacy, providing some printed health and local health service information. We hope locals will visit the stand and make themselves known to us.
Follow us: Coolamon LHAC Facebook

Co Chairs - Chelsie Manwaring and Fiona Braybrooks
You will see us around town and we are always happy to chat with you.
We meet at 5pm on the first Thursday of the month usually in the hospital meeting room. You can come along or ask us to raise an issue or get information for you.
We are currently working on:
- Being more visible in the community.
- A health career expo in 2023.
- Helping produce a brochure on all health and allied health services in Cootamundra.
- Promoting social interaction with new health care staff and the community.
Follow us: Cootamundra LHAC Facebook

Chair - Anne Wescott
Corowa LHAC have identified the following health priority areas for Corowa and its surrounds:
- Aged Care – supporting an ageing population to navigate health care to better access services.
- Cancer Screening – improved awareness and access to services.
- Mental Health - increasing awareness around services and access.
- Alcohol and Substance use.
Follow us: Corowa LHAC on Facebook

Chair - Matthew Clancy
Culcairn LHAC meet on the second Monday of each month at 6pm at the Culcairn Multipurpose Service (MPS).
Our current projects and priorities include:
- GP and Health Hub – advocate for future Health Hub in Culcairn.
- Primary Care Services – improve awareness of and access to primary care services in Culcairn, including dietician, podiatry and physio.
- Mental Health – support youth mental health initiatives.
- Aged Care - improve awareness of and access to aged care services.
Follow us: Culcairn LHAC Facebook

Chair - Lynda Barclay
Deniliquin LHAC meet monthly on the third Monday of each month.
Deni LHAC are currently focusing on community engagement through the “Market meet and greet” initiative and collaboration with Edward River Council and other community groups. Our current focus is on advocacy around Community Care Intake Service and our major project is to complete and distribute the Deniliquin Health Services Information Guide and increase resources to hand out to the community.
Key priority areas include:
- Mental Health – early diagnoses, intervention and prevention.
- Aged Care – improved access to services and support.
- Consumer Experience – consistent discharge planning and better outcomes.
- Cancer Screening – improved awareness and access to services.
Follow us: Deniliquin LHAC Facebook

Chair - Syd Dudley
Finley LHAC meet at the Finley Hospital Meeting Room on the fourth Wednesday of each month. All matters regarding Community Health are discussed.
Members are represented on several Health Committees including Berrigan Shire Dementia Alliance and the Southern Riverina Wellbeing Collaborative.
Current priority and project areas include:
- Finley Hospital Redevelopment Project – keep informed of the progress and continue to represent and advocate for community and services.
- Health Literacy – taking steps to improve understanding and access around health services locally.
- Cancers – address skin cancer and cervical cancer screening rates.
- Aged Care – supporting an ageing population to navigate health care to better access services.
Follow us: Finley LHAC Facebook

Chair - Margaret King
The Griffith LHAC plans to organise a Women's Health expo to encourage women to return to regular health checks and screening tests that may have been delayed due to COVID-19. We will continue to promote mental health services in Griffith and also keep our community updated with the redevelopment progress of the Griffith Base Hospital.
An updated version of the Griffith Supportive Care and Services Guide will be finalised by early 2023.
Chair - Cheney Dewar
Gundagai LHAC played to the regional LHAC forum held in May 2023. We have active membership and a number of healthy initiatives on the go.
Follow us: Gundagai Facebook

Chair - Lauren Masson
We are looking for new members to join our Local Health Advisory Committee in Harden-Murrumburrah.
If you’d like to volunteer in 2024 and have an interest in improving access to health services for people in your community – this is for you! No previous health experience necessary.

Chair - to be elected
Currently calling for new members.
Hay LHAC have identified the following health priority areas:
- Connecting with other health organisations and community to better understand health needs.
- Aged Care - to improved access to services and support.
- Cancer Screening - improved awareness and access to services.
- Obesity- increasing engaging in physical activity.
Follow us: Hay LHAC Facebook

Chair - Mary D'Arcy Liston
Henty LHAC re currently working on the following priority areas:
- Young People – engaging with young people to support them with their health and wellbeing needs.
- Parents – connecting parents to accessing services to care for themselves and their children.
- Obesity – advocating for improved access to recreational opportunities in Henty and improving the overall health and fitness of the community.
- Mental Health - improve awareness of and access to services.
Follow us: Henty LHAC Facebook

Chair - Mandy Locke
The Holbrook LHAC meets on the second Tuesday every second month. We are currently focused on projects relating to our local hospital - revitalising the grounds of the aged care facility and sourcing funding and planning for the complete redevelopment of the hospital accommodation for agency and locum staff.

Chair - Ruth McRae
Like many smaller sites we are a small but engaged LHAC. Our focus has been ensuring that we are stable during these difficult critical staffing challenges. Recognition and acknowledgement of the hard yards our loyal and devoted staff give under duress deems that we consider short term alternatives to give them breathing space.
We continue to advocate for regular communication so our community knows just where MLHD is tracking with recruitment and recognising the real need for every community, large or small, timely access to available health care.
We too, in collaboration with Council, are scoping and planning for a new medical centre that is fit-for-purpose and able to appropriately service our needs for generations to come.
Our team works with hospital management, the hospital Auxiliary and the Health District to ensure we do the best we can for those in our patch.
Priority focus areas include:
- GP shortages.
- Housing and accommodation for health service workers and impact on recruitment.
- Workforce – support, appreciation and recruitment.
- Aged Care.
Chair - Nicole Metcalf
Junee LHAC meets on the third Thursday of each month at the Junee Multipurpose Service (MPS) meeting room commencing at 10am.
Junee LHAC priorities for 2023 include:
- Health Literacy and Lifestyle – raising awareness, publicity and promotion.
- Mental Health – supporting initiatives and partnerships that promote good mental health.
- Alcohol and Drugs – public awareness.
- Transport - advocating for regular visiting services to support those limited by transport options.
- Cancer Screening – improved participation in screening.

Chair - Fran Day OAM
Lockhart LHAC meet monthly on the second Wednesday from 1.30pm-2.30pm at Lockhart Multipurpose Service (MPS).
We are a vibrant inclusive volunteer committee working with health services to ensure community needs around health are advocated for. Lockhart LHAC represents community needs and provides feedback to health providers. We keep the community informed and promote health and wellbeing. Youth are encouraged and welcomed to be part of the decision-making initiatives. Other projects include mental health flyers and the Cate Campbell webinar speaking on mental health, resilience, overcoming adversity, leadership and teamwork, motivation and inspiration.
Our focus is to promote social inclusion and participation, encouraging health and wellbeing throughout Lockhart Shire.
Lockhart LHAC has an active Facebook page to keep the community informed about services initiatives and the work of Lockhart LHAC.
Follow us: Lockhart LHAC Facebook
Chair - to be advised
The Narrandera LHAC meet monthly on the last Thursday of the month at Narrandera Hospital.
Priroity areas include:
- Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol and Sexual Health.
- Aboriginal Health.
- Health staff support and recognition.
- Obesity - increasing engaging in physical activity and healthy eating.
We are currently working with the Narrandera Youth Council on mental health as well as supporting consumers with technology. The LHAC always welcomes opportunities to talk to Narrandera residents about their health needs.
Follow us: Narrandera LHAC Facebook

Chair - Rick Firman
The Temora LHAC meet on the first Monday of each month.
The main focus is being involved with the Clinical Services Plan as we look ahead to a redevelopment of the Temora District Hospital.
The Committee is also involved in several on-going projects including:
- A Direct Me publication directing residents to Local Health Services.
- Reaching out with information and health awareness events.
- An annual health staff recognition ceremony.
- Information meetings with school students on health career opportunities.
- Supporting our local hospital and health services.
Planning is also underway for a local Hospital and Health Services Expo and involvement with the Blue Tree project.

Chair - Anne Seamer
Meetings are held every third Tuesday of the month (except January) at 1.30 pm at the Community Health Centre, Multipurpose Service (MPS).
Tocumwal LHAC is currently working towards improving and expanding Visiting Medical Officer services to Tocumwal MPS and growing community, expanding community knowledge of LHAC role and function, promotion of Mental Health programs within the local community, advocating for 24 hour Ambulance service for Tocumwal community, and supporting our local MPS staff, residents and patients.
LHAC Project and priorities include:
- Access to Hospital and health services.
- Medical workforce recruitment and retention.
- Melanoma screening / Skin Checks.
- CPR and First Aid Training and Awareness.
Follow us: Tocumwal LHAC Facebook

Chair - Chris Blake
Tumbarumba LHAC meets every third Thursday at Tumbarumba MPS. We currently have a committee of 10 members.
Our current projects include the updating of our Service Booklet, and development of a forum for later 2022, which will have an emphasis on ageing and the legal, financial, family succession planning considerations and assistance available.

Chair - Hansie Armour
Tumut LHAC meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 4pm at the Tumut Hospital.
Tumut LHAC priorities include:
- Obesity and Lifestyle – influencing positive change in diet and exercise.
- Accommodation and Homelessness – advocating for availability and affordability of housing.
- Discharge Planning – advocating for better communication processes.
- Cancer screening – raising awareness and access to screening services.
- Our current project is collaborating with Aboriginal services in our LHD to better service our Brungle Health Care Centre and their community.
Follow us: Tumut LHAC Facebook

LHAC Executive Members
The Wagga Wagga LHAC meets once monthly on the second Wednesday of the month.
Priorities identified for Wagga LHAC include:
- Youth Health (included topics around Mental Health, Obesity, Substance use, Cancer and homelessness).
- Substance use - raise awareness around dangers / harmful behaviours.
- Vaping – raise awareness around dangers and harmful behaviours.
- Cervical Screening – increasing participation rates.
- Obesity - increasing engaging in physical activity / healthy eating.
Projects include developing silicone wristbands to help target youth Mental Health. Health literacy is a priority for the Wagga LHAC, with a focus on multicultural groups. The LHAC is also working with the Health Services Hub to promote services available.
Expressions of interest are now open for Young LHAC. Contact details are below.
Key contact
Executive Services Manager, Engagement and Communications
Level 1, 193-195 Morgan St
(Locked Bag 10)
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Phone: 0477 359 754