Our services
Nepean Blue Mountains LHD offers a range of inpatient and outpatient procedures, tests, and programs for patients in the hospital and in the community.
A variety of heart health services are provided, including coronary care units, cardiology wards, cardiac catheterisation laboratories, cardiac investigations units, cardiac rehabilitation, heart failure clinics, as well as cardiac research trials and cardiovascular research programs.
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Outpatient clinics
Nepean Cardiac Services within Nepean Hospital has state of the art medical equipment and caters for both inpatient and outpatient procedures, tests and programs.
We provide the following cardiology outpatient clinics:
Cardiology Registrar
Cardiology Specialist
Device (ICD/Pacemaker)
ECG (Electrocardiogram)
Exercise Stress Tests
Heart Rhythm
Holter Monitoring
PHT (Pulmonary Hypertension)
TOE (Transoesophageal Echocardiogram)
Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE/Echo)
Cardiac rehabilitation service
Cardiac rehabilitation promotes a healthy lifestyle for those with heart disease or a recent heart event. This service focuses on patients who have had a recent (in the last three months) hospital admission with:
- heart surgery
- heart attack
- stent procedure
- angina.
To book an appointment, call 02 4734 3031.
Cardiac support group
Mission statement: To assist the health professionals in the cardiology department at Nepean Hospital in the promotion of physical and psychological recovery of cardiac patients and to provide immediate and ongoing support to patients and family members as they learn to adopt healthier lifestyles as demonstrated by our own experiences and our ability to return to living fulfilling lives.
This group aims to:
- support cardiac patients with information and through activities
- provide 2 volunteers at every cardiac rehabilitation session
- contribute to heart disease prevention and rehabilitation activities in the Nepean Blue Mountains LHD
- assist the heart failure sessions
- contribute financially when possible.
Cardiac catheterisation laboratory
A cardiac catheterisation laboratory or Cath Lab is where a variety of invasive procedures are performed.
Cath Lab procedures include:
- angiography
- angioplasty or stenting (percutaneous coronary intervention)
- cardioversions
- electrophysiology studies
- radiofrequency ablation
- pacemaker or defibrillator implantation
The Cath Lab is staffed by a team including cardiologists, nursing staff, radiography staff as well as cardiac technicians.

Detailed explanations
Invasive procedures are undertaken in the Cath Lab by one of our cardiologists.
Pacemaker or defibrillator is a small device that's placed in the upper chest or, much less frequently, the abdomen to help control abnormal heart rhythms. This device sends electrical impulses to prompt the heart in circumstances where your heart rhythm has faltered or failed. Pacemakers are used to treat predominantly slow arrhythmias where the patient’s native heart rate is inadequate to sustain normal blood pressure.
Coronary angiogram is where access to the coronary arteries is via either the radial artery at the wrist or the femoral artery in the groin. From there, various catheters can be inserted and navigated to the coronary arteries to obtain images using radiographic contrast or dye, containing iodine that is injected into the coronary arteries, or bypass grafts, to outline the vessel involved.
Cardioversion refers to the treatment whereby a synchronised electrical shock is used to try to restore normal heart rhythm in patients with heart rhythm abnormalities. It is often recommended to patients with atrial fibrillation, a common heart rhythm disorder originating from the upper chambers of the heart (atria).
Coronary angioplasty (also known as percutaneous coronary intervention) or stenting is a procedure where a balloon catheter is inserted and inflated to open the narrowed coronary artery. The balloon catheter is then deflated and removed, resulting in an increased luminal diameter and hence increased blood flow in the coronary artery. The procedure may or may not include the insertion of a ‘stent/s’. A stent is a small tubular shaped stainless steel wire cage, which is inserted into the artery to hold it open and improve blood flow.
Electrophysiology (EP) studies is where a cardiologist places electrodes in different parts of the heart to determine electrical flow in the heart and also to see if any arrhythmias can be induced by electrical stimulation. Hence EP studies can help localise specific areas of heart tissue that may be giving rise to the abnormal electrical impulses that cause arrhythmias. This detailed electrical flow information provides valuable diagnostic and, therefore, treatment information.
Loop Recorder (ILR) insertion (or removal) is a small, thin device inserted under the skin that monitors and records your heart’s electrical activity over a long period of time in order to identify an irregular heart rhythm. The ILR can determine whether your symptoms are related to a heart rhythm problem.
Radiofrequency ablation is an invasive procedure that involves inserting catheters - narrow, flexible wires - into a blood vessel, often through a site in the groin or neck, and placing the wires in different regions of the heart. The journey from entry point to heart muscle is navigated by images created by a fluoroscope, an x-ray-like machine that provides continuous, live images of the catheter and tissue. Once the catheter reaches the heart, electrodes at the tip of the catheter gather data and a variety of electrical measurements are made. The data pinpoints the location of the faulty electrical site. During this electrical mapping, the cardiac arrhythmia specialist, an electrophysiologist, often sedates the patient and places a burn in an attempt to alleviate the area of heart electrical irritation. Once the damaged site is confirmed, energy is used to destroy a small amount of tissue, ending the disturbance of electrical flow through the heart and restoring a healthy heart rhythm.
Smoke-free policy
All our hospitals and locations are smoke-free. Smoking anywhere on the grounds may result in a $300 fine. View our policy.