Office of Social Impact Investment

The Office of Social Impact Investment (OSII) works with our partners to facilitate better outcomes, services and value for NSW residents through impact investing.

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OSII opportunities

OSII opportunities

Learn about our current social impact investment tenders open now

About OSII

OSII leads the implementation of the NSW Social Impact Investment Policy (PDF 238.43KB). We work with our partners to facilitate allocation of capital into initiatives that can achieve positive and measurable social and environmental outcomes alongside financial return.

Our vision is to grow social impact by embedding innovation, prevention, partnerships, and an outcomes-focus at the heart of how we deliver impact for the people of NSW.

Close-up of many people hands holding a jigsaw puzzle piece in circle together.

What we offer


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Social impact investments

Find out how investment can achieve positive social impact through embedding a deep focus on measurable outcomes and cross-sector partnerships.


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Sustainability Bond Programme

Learn how the Sustainability Bond Programme provides investors the opportunity to allocate their capital to support government initiatives delivering positive and transparent social and environmental outcomes.


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Knowledge hub

Discover tools and resources for impact investing including templates, technical guides, case studies, and more.

Partner with us

Our partners are central to what we do. We can work together in the following ways:


  • We can support you to consider social impact investments. 
  • We will publicly share information on upcoming social impact investment opportunities and coordinate tender processes and supporting activities, such as consultation and market briefing events.
  • Please note that we are unable to accept proposals outside of formal tender processes.

and investors

  • We can work together to share knowledge and co-fund solutions addressing complex social and environmental issues.
  • Contact us if there are specific policy areas or cohorts you are focusing on. 

Intermediaries and
research institutions

We can work together to:

  • Share knowledge to inform broader policy and the service delivery landscape
  • Support the development of the impact investing sector. 


  • We work in partnership with you to commission new social impact investments and provide ongoing support in the active management of initiatives. 
  • We can support you to transition existing programs to an outcome-based model.  
  • We can support you to identify assets and projects that are suitable for the NSW Sustainability Bond Programme.

Our knowledge hub has tools and resources that can help. Contact us to find out more.

Contact us

Address:  52 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000

Postal address:
Office of Social Impact Investment
GPO Box 5341, SYDNEY NSW 2001

Knowledge hub

Explore our knowledge hub for helpful tools and resources.

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