Evaluation Toolkit guide
This is a guide for managers to understand what to expect from the toolkit: Steps in managing an evaluation project.
Who is this toolkit designed for?
This toolkit is for NSW public sector managers who are doing a program evaluation. The evaluation can be undertaken by external evaluators, an internal team, or a combination of internal and external.
The toolkit can also be used by evaluation teams (internal or external) as a resource to help them choose and use appropriate methods. Teams can understand how to meet the expectations for evaluation under the NSW Government Program Evaluation Guidelines.
What does the toolkit provide?
The toolkit covers 7 steps of managing a program evaluation project, including:
- an overview of what is required at each step
- advice about ways to ensure evaluation quality in terms of rigour, utility, feasibility and ethics
- how you to determine the questions to ask
- how to decide on the evaluation designs and methods to best answer them.
The toolkit describes good practice in program evaluation as set out by the NSW Government Program Evaluation Guidelines. This is only a guide and does not give the government requirements for evaluation or reporting.
Links to the BetterEvaluation website
The toolkit includes links to more detailed explanations and resources for different evaluation designs, methods and tools. The BetterEvaluation website is the key underlying resource, an ever-expanding website of over 200 evaluation methods, tools and resources. You can use the many links through this toolkit or access the BetterEvaluation website.
Your feedback will improve the toolkit
The pages in this toolkit continue to be refined. To provide feedback or for more information about how to implement the toolkit, contact the Centre for Evidence and Evaluation.