Key information
- Status: Not open for application
- Grant amount: The value of individual grants, including a single supplementary payment, is between $6,000 - $1.59 million (ex. GST)
Program objective
The 2024 Pathways program has a specific focus on encouraging participation of children aged 0-3 years old to engage with and transition into early childhood education and care settings.
The program enables a variety of place-based initiatives to provide early educational supports for children prior to preschool enrolment, and helps promote the importance of early childhood education and care to families.
Providers are required to deliver activities that align with at least one of the three core objectives of the program:
- support of children too young to receive a preschool education, who are aged 0-3 years, in an early years education program that provides culturally and developmentally appropriate activities (e.g. playgroups, occasional care, early learning centres, toy libraries);
- support access to a preschool setting with an approved early childhood education and care service under the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 (National Law) and Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 (National Regulations) for children who are ready to transition to these preschool settings, who are 4 years of age; or
- promote the importance of early childhood education to parents and communities through the provision of information for early childhood education, including culturally inclusive resources.
This program is administered by Department of Education.
Grant recipients
Recipients for this program were selected to meet the program objectives.
Eligible recipients were invited to participate and were required to meet the objectives.
Support and contact
For more information, complaint handling, review and/or access to information regarding the 2024 Start Strong Pathways program, please contact:
Program Guidelines: 2024 Start Strong Pathways
Phone: 1800 619 113