Key information
- Status: Open
- Grant amount: Up to $200,000
- Application opened: 16 April 2024
- Application closes: 30 April 2025, 5:00 pm
Program objective
We are investing $5 million in Living Carbon grants to assist eligible applicants in delivering carbon abatement through planting projects in 3 regions in NSW:
- the Riverina Local Land Services region
- the North Coast Local Land Services region
- the MidCoast Local Government Area.
Successful applicants will receive up to $200,000 of grant funding, and the landholder is expected to commit funding and/or in-kind contributions to complete the project.
In return for funding, successful applicants must commit to sharing information and helping build capacity within the sector. This will help other landholders understand carbon projects' potential benefits, risks, and costs.
Please note this application is specific to the MidCoast Local Government Area region. Landholders in this area should apply only.
This program is administered by Department of Planning and Environment.
Who can apply
The applicant must be:
- a private landholder who is the proponent of the registered carbon project or
- an Aboriginal organisation or Traditional Owner group that owns or has legal right to the land and who are the proponent of the registered carbon project
- a public land manager with pre-application approval from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
Note: Public land managers may be included following discussion with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and pre-approval to apply. NSW National Parks is not eligible for these grants.
Location that are eligible include Mid-Coast
Who the grant is targeted towards
- Any landholders that meet eligibility requirements in the MidCoast Local Government Area region.
- An Aboriginal organisation or Traditional Owner group that owns or has the legal right to the land.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Environmental planting projects up to 200 hectares in size that focus on revegetating habitats for iconic and threatened species, including koalas.
A suitable project would:
- plant between 10 and 200 hectares of appropriate species on your land
- plant with the aim of revegetating habitat for threatened or iconic species endemic to your area
- deliver on and comply with all Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU) Scheme and Accounting for Nature (AfN) method requirements, beyond the lifetime of your grant.
Outcomes for projects funded under this grant
This grant could help you secure the health of your land, improve productivity, and unlock new income streams. Your land could be used to revegetate habitats for threatened or iconic species such as koalas.
Deliverables include:
- Completed and endorsed planting plan
- Registered and certified Environmental Account with Accounting for Nature (AfN)
- Evidence of Clean Energy Regulator’s approval of a year 1 report through the ACCU Scheme
- Evidence of biodiversity assessment to provide data against planned project outcomes
- Mandatory communication requirements
- A budget outlining planned spend vs actual spend, including co-funding and in-kind funding over the lifetime of the grant
What costs you can apply for
- Soil preparation (such as through ripping or augering)
- Fencing materials and labour for standard stock fences, funded up to 50% of the total fencing costs, not exceeding 50% of your total grant request
- Direct seeding costs, seeds and direct seeding
- Tube stock
- Tree protection material such as tree guards
- Planting of tube stock, including the installation of tree protection
- Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme (ACCU) Scheme and Accounting for Nature (AfN) costs, set funding amount of $5000.
Who can’t apply
- Landholders outside of the MidCoast Local Government Area region
- NSW National Parks
What costs you can't apply for
- Weed control at any stage of your project, including material or labour
- Any site maintenance, as outlined in your planting plan and as required for both the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme (ACCU) Scheme and Accounting for Nature (AfN) methods to be appropriately met
- Mandated communication activities
- Equipment of any kind (for example, infrastructure, site preparation equipment, fencing equipment, weed spraying equipment, wildlife cameras, among others.)
- Any initial maintenance requirements as outlined in your planting plan
- Project management tools or time
- Project monitoring or reporting tools or time
- Debt financing or investing of money in exchange for equity in start-ups
- Expenditure on the acquisition of land for a project
- Items that can reasonably be considered as business-as-usual operational costs, including but not limited to:
- rent, maintenance costs and utilities
- marketing, communications, promotional costs and website design
- Business-as-usual staff costs such as salaries, redundancy or retirement benefits, workers compensation payments, professional fees or memberships
- Activities carried out or committed to before your grant is offered and accepted
- Legal costs associated with a consortium, disputes or funding arrangements not agreed to as part of your funding deed
- Research projects into Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme (ACCU) Scheme method viability or development
- Maintenance of equipment and materials associated with your grant project
- Administration or mandatory communication costs
Types of projects not funded under this grant
Any projects that are not environmental planting projects.
Example projects
Environmental planting projects only.
What co-contributions are required
Co-contribution can be made through direct funding or in-kind contributions. Third-party contributions will not be considered as a replacement for co-contribution. No minimum amount of co-contribution is required, but it must be made.
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
- A completed and endorsed planting plan
- Evidence of approval of the registered project from the CER
- Current quotes for expenditure items
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
- Eligibility check: This is an open market process seeking applications that meet program outcomes. Applications are assessed on eligibility and merit criteria following grant guidelines.
- Merit check: Applicants must submit a planting plan, evidence of Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme (ACCU) Scheme registration, environmental account design, and a commitment to a communication component as part of their application.
Start the application
- Applicant develops and submits the application.
- Assessor checks the application against eligibility criteria.
- Assessor informs the applicant if their application is ineligible.
- Assessor reviews eligible application against the merit criteria.
- Assessor informs applicant if their application is successful or unsuccessful.
- Program team provides successful applicants with a funding deed.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
- Applications will be assessed as soon as they are submitted in SmartyGrants on a first in first serve basis.
- Assessors are members of the program team.
- Assessors will check the applications against the eligibility criteria, inform applicants if their applications are ineligible and provide feedback.
- Assessors will assess eligible applications against the merit criteria.
- Assessors will then inform applicants that their applications are accepted or declined.
- The program team will then provide the successful applicants with a funding deed to sign.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is : We will notify applicants about the outcome of their applications as soon as they have been assessed. The assessment process may take 1-3 weeks
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is : We will execute funding deeds with successful applicants soon after notification of outcome
Support and contact
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water - Net Zero land