How we use your MyServiceNSW Account to find grants for your business
We use your MyServiceNSW Account Business Profile to suggest relevant and up-to-date grants and funding opportunities for logged in business owners and managers.
We use your business’ industry classification when you log in with your MyServiceNSW Account. This allows us to suggest personalised information and data based on your business activities. The classification details for your business come from your Australian Business Number (ABN) and are managed by logging in to the Australian Business Register (ABR) website.
How your business is classified
If you are a registered business, you will already have an ABN. Your ABN uses the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) codes to classify your business.
You can have up to four ANZSIC codes associated with your ABN. These codes correspond to your primary business activities.
Your ANZSIC classification is not public. You must log into the Australian Business Register (ABR) website to view or change it.
You can find more information on ANZSIC codes on the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website.
How we match grants to your business
When you are logged in with your MyServiceNSW Account, we match grants by category and keyword with your ANZSIC codes to suggest results that your business may be eligible for. We will suggest the most likely matches first. We will then list other grants that you might also be eligible for.
What if the results I get seem incorrect for my business?
If you think the results are not correct for your business, you can check and update the ANZSIC codes associated with your ABN. In some cases, we may not currently have grants for your industry but will have more general business grants that could still be relevant. We supply you with these as other suggestions when you log in.
How to change, add or remove an ANZSIC code
If your business activities change, you may become eligible for different grants. Your ANZSIC codes should match the business activities under which your business operates. You can update your ANZSIC codes via your ABN.
This makes sure your records are correct and you can find grants that your business may be eligible for.
You will need your:
- Australian Business Number (ABN)
- myGovID details.
Once you have these details, the process should take no longer than 10 to 15 minutes.
Please note that that your suggested grants will not change for up to 48 hours.
Update, add, or remove your ANZSIC codes on the Australian Business Register website.
How is your data protected?
Go to the MyServiceNSW Privacy Collection Notice to find out how we protect your Business Profile and MyServiceNSW Account data.
Read the Privacy Statement for general privacy information.