About the Project
The Active Transport Links Project in the Blue Mountains will deliver 24km of active transport links, improving connections between 27 towns and villages in the Blue Mountains. The project will deliver 92 specific pieces of infrastructure to provide tangible improvements to promote active transport as a viable travel mode alternative to car use.
Project Scope
- A new 1.0 km off-road shared active walking and bike path link along Levy Street, between Hare Street and Barnet Street, Glenbrook.
- A new 0.8 km off-road shared active walking and bike path link connecting along Great Western Highway between West Street, Wentworth Falls and Scott Avenue, Leura.
- A new 1.1 km off-road shared active walking and bike path link along Railway Parade, between Kent Street and Hay Street, Bullaburra.
- A new 0.3 km off-road shared active walking and bike path link along Bruce Road, between 39 Bruce Road and 77A Bruce Road, Glenbrook.
- A new 0.65 km off-road shared active walking and bike path link along Railway Parade, between Valley Road and Riches Avenue, Hazelbrook.
- A new 0.3 km off-road shared active walking and bike path link along Railway Parade, between Woodford Station and Appian Way, Woodford.
- Blackheath Station St Link will offer a new 0.38 km connection along Station Street, between Bundarra Street and Shipley Road and Shipley Road between Station Street and Kubra Street in Blackheath.
Fast Facts
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Progress Summary
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