About the Project
The Glenbrook Activation and Improvement Project delivers high street, arts and culture and community infrastructure improvements to Glenbrook Town Centre and Park. The project expands and improves the function and use of the Glenbrook village and meets the needs for local amenity and a rapid growth in tourism.
Project Scope
Footpath upgrades to existing pavements to meet accessibility standards
Pedestrian amenity upgrades such as crossings and threshold treatments
Parking upgrades
Directional signage with traditional owner interpretation to orientate visitors
Succession street tree planting to mitigate heat island effect
New town centre footpath rubbish bins with village motif
Replacement seating to accessibility standards
Public lighting improvement where necessary to improve safety after dark
Water Sensitive Urban Design treatments with raingardens and other biofiltration
Activation activities including laneway artwork, trial of mobile parklets, and upgrade to banner system
Visitor Information Centre improvements including landscaping to address sightlines, amenity upgrades and installation of ‘sculpture walk’ to welcome visitors
Development of “Village Arrival Point" with bike racks, seating and installation of water refill station as a reliable, sustainable source of drinking water for centre visitors
Smart Cities Technology Package including parking sensors, pedestrian sensors, air quality sensors, weather reporting and smart lighting
Fast Facts
Project Updates

- Initial stakeholder engagement.
- Detailed planning and scoping.
- Community and stakeholder engagement.