About the Project
The Lidcombe High Street Activation Project builds on existing work to revitalise high streets at key centres within Cumberland City including paving and lighting, landscaping and trees, and street furniture and signage upgrades. Spanning Joseph Street and Bridge Street between Railway Street and Vaughan Street, the upgrades ensure Lidcombe Town Centre is more liveable, safer and attractive for the community, as well as pedestrian and cyclist friendly.
Project Scope
The upgrades feature the following elements:
- Upgraded and increased area of footpaths, cycleways and paving
- Upgraded roads, raised pedestrian crossing, reconstructed kerbs and angled parking
- Outdoor dining areas including street furniture and planting
- Street tree planting
- Two electrical vehicle charging points
- Integrated public art
- New and upgraded lighting
- New and upgraded signage and wayfinding
Fast Facts
Project Updates

Progress Summary
Next Steps