Review of the Mental Health Commission

NSW Health is seeking your feedback to support a review of the Mental Health Commission of NSW.
close-up of one person holding another person's hand to reassure them
close-up of one person holding another person's hand to reassure them

What’s this about?

The Mental Health Commission of NSW is an independent statutory organisation established under the Mental Health Commission Act 2012.

The Commission reports to the NSW Minister for Mental Health.

The Commission aims to check, review, and improve the mental health and wellbeing of the people of NSW.

Section 20 of the Act requires that reviews of the work of the Commission are undertaken at least once every 5 years. 

The reviews take into account the Commission’s functions and the principles governing its work, as outlined in the Act.

The 2018 review report tabled in Parliament on 6 August 2018 made both legislative and non-legislative recommendations to provide greater clarity of focus to the role and functions of the Commission, and to strengthen the impact of its reports.

The 2024 review will consider the work of the Commission since the last review. The report outcomes will be submitted to the Minister by 31 August 2024.

Interested parties were encouraged to provide written submissions responding to the Terms of Reference and a discussion paper by 21 June 2024.

You can still have your say by attending the public consultation webinar.

Have your say

Have your say by 25 July 2024.

You can provide feedback in 1 way.

Online consultation

25 July 2024 to 25 July 2024

Register for webinar

Consultation period

From:25 July 2024
To:25 July 2024

See consultation methods

More information

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