Youth Justice Conferences

A Youth Justice Conference is a meeting between a young offender, their victim and other people who know about the offence. It focuses on repairing the harm caused by the offending behaviour and on restoring relationships within the family and the community.

Learn more about Conferencing in this section.

Mother and daughter talking to a caseworker

What is a Youth Justice Conference

A Youth Justice Conference is a meeting between a young offender, their victim and other people who know about the offence. Learn more about Youth Justice Conferencing.

What happens in a Youth Justice Conference?

A Youth Justice Conference is more than a discussion. It's a way to move forward. See how conferencing works, and learn about what each party needs to do to participate.  

Why should young offenders and victims participate in a Conference?

Youth Justice Conferences enable the young offender and victim to understand each other. It also helps young people stay out of custody. See how conferencing can help victims and young people.

Video resources

Watch videos to understand the Youth Justice Conferencing process. Learn what happens in a Youth Justice Conference and how it can help young people, families, victims and the community. 

Quick guides to Youth Justice Conferences

Conferencing factsheet for a young person

Youth Justice Conferences help young people understand the reasons for their behaviour and how their actions affect others. Download this factsheet to learn more about what happens during and after a Youth Justice Conference.

Conferencing factsheet for victims

Youth Justice Conferences provide an opportunity for victims of crime to feel empowered to discuss the offence and the impact it had on them. Download this factsheet for further details about the role of victims in Youth Justice Conferences.

Conferencing factsheet for parents and carers

Youth Justice Conferences help young offenders take responsibility for their actions and change their behaviour so they don't go into custody. Download this factsheet to learn more about conferencing and the role of parents, guardians and carers.

Conferencing brochure

Learn about the benefits and what happens at a Youth Justice Conference by downloading this brochure.
It explains what to expect, why Conferences are important and how they benefit the young person and their victim. 

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