ACMA Discussion Paper - Exploring Options for Change
In late 2012, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) released a discussion paper on a re-stack of the 803 - 960 MHz band.
The current discussion paper is the latest component of a consultation review process that the ACMA commenced in 2011 to lead the development of a new band plan as this band was last subject to an extensive revision more than 20 years ago.
This is the second discussion paper on this issue and includes a number of proposals for allocating spectrum for a varied number of services currently located within the band such as CMTS, fixed linked services and trunked land mobile services, as well as a new allocation of spectrum to suport public safety mobile broadband.
The Telco Authority has submitted a response to the ACMA on the matters raised in the discussion paper. The response was prepared and submitted in consultation with various NSW Government agencies and addressed issues concerning fixed link services (particularly two-frequency services) as well as a number of technical issues surrounding the location of segments for public safety mobile broadband purposes within the band. The response also included recommendations that further consultation with law enforcement on single frequency services be undertaken.