Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund applications open
Commercial landlords who provided rental relief to tenants between 14 January and 13 March 2022 can now apply for grants of up to $3,000 a month per eligible property.

Small Business Minister Eleni Petinos said the third tranche of the Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund would allow eligible landlords to offset the costs of providing rental assistance to tenants who experienced disruption during the Omicron wave.
“Because of the disruption caused to small businesses by Omicron, we’ve extended the Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund that has already provided $14 million to nearly 2,000 businesses,” Ms Petinos said.
“Eligible commercial landlords who provided support to retail and commercial tenants from 14 January to 13 March this year can now apply for grants of up to $3,000 a month for each eligible property.
“Throughout the pandemic the NSW Government has responded to the evolving challenges and we will continue to provide the small business community with the necessary support.”
To be eligible for a grant through the third round of the scheme, landlords with up to $5 million in total land holdings must have entered into an agreement to provide rental relief to tenants between 14 January and 13 March 2022.
The grant is equal to the value of the rental waiver provided to tenants, up to a maximum of $3000 per month, for each eligible property.
For more information about the Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund and how to apply, visit Apply for a commercial landlord hardship grant or call 13 77 88.
Applications will close on 31 May 2022.