Strategy builds opportunities for women in the construction industry
Increased female participation in trade careers is encouraged under a strategy to enhance training opportunities for women in NSW.

The Trades Pathways Program Women’s Strategy is part of a $57.4 million Trade Pathways Program to be delivered by the NSW Government over the next four years.
This strategy builds on existing initiatives including the Infrastructure Skills Legacy Program, which has a target to double the number of women in trades and non-traditional roles on NSW Government infrastructure projects.
Minister for Women Bronnie Taylor said the strategy will help deliver a range of initiatives that will see greater participation from women in construction.
“This landmark strategy will encourage registered training organisations to work with industry, employers and women’s advocacy groups to enhance trade training opportunities for women,” Ms Taylor said.
Skills and Tertiary Education Minister Geoff Lee said the government is working closely with industry to improve workplace culture and promote the contribution of women in trades throughout NSW.
“Women currently make up only two per cent of qualified construction trade workers in Australia and this needs to change,” Mr Lee said.
Local community organisations are encouraged to apply for grants of up to $30,000 through the Connecting Women to Trades Grants program to help identify and support women in trades.
Learn more about the Connecting Women to Trades Grant
View the Women in Trades Strategy