Design features

You can enhance the content design of your page with these visual components. Find the best way to present your information to your audience.

Automated events

Use this component to showcase upcoming events on landing pages. Automated events will display events with their titles, images and dates in a scrolling carousel. 

Automated grants

Use this component on landing pages to showcase upcoming grants and grants that are open for applications. Automated grants will display grants titles, summaries and closing dates in a scrolling carousel.

Automated latest news

Have a stylised listing of the latest news content auto-populate on landing pages with the Automated latest news component. Use the component to promote one story with an image and summary, list others and link to more news.

Automated publications

Create a stylised listing of the latest resource publications that auto-populates on landing pages with the Automated publications component. Use the component to promote a publication with an image and summary, list others and link to more publications.


Add the BlockQuote component to highlight a quote, alongside the name and image of the person being quoted. The BlockQuote is a visual element to draw attention to key information. 


Cards give a brief summary of content and display information in an organised way, making it easier for the audience to find information.

Case study finder

Create a listing of case studies with the ability to search and filter through them.

Content block

Content blocks are used to display groups of related content and/or links. This block includes 3 variants – Icon blocks, Image blocks and Text blocks.

Grant finder with filters

The Grant finder displays a listing of all the grants your agency or fund have available. People can quickly see an overview of the key information about each grant and if applications are open.

News search and filter

Use this component to create a news listing page that allows customers to search and filter the articles displayed.

Parallax variations

The parallax option helps give movement to a page and provides highlight to key text or calls to action.

Resource search and filter

Use the Resource search and filter to easily display all of your resources and documents. Results will show in a listing with the ability to search and filter them.

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