MC and keynote

Greg Alchin – MC
Principal Accessibility Specialist – Service NSW
Greg Alchin is the Principal Accessibility Specialist at the Department of Customer Service NSW (DCS). As an expert and passionate advocate for people with disability, he drives agency culture and change capacity in inclusivity and design.
Greg has over 30 years’ experience working across education, community, commercial and government organisations and on initiatives that promote inclusion. Greg is authentically passionate about accessibility rights and his expertise has been sought by bodies such as the Australian Human Rights Commission, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), and the United Nations World Food Program.
Greg’s lived experience with a disability will ignite his passion and commitment to shine through in his role as MC for Let’s Rock NSW.

Dylan Alcott AO
Dylan Alcott AO is a world-renowned wheelchair tennis player with 23 Grand Slam titles and a Golden Slam. He is a motivational speaker, Paralympic gold medallist, Australian of the Year in 2022 and a music festival muse who has led the charge on numerous initiatives in disability and inclusivity.
Dylan started the Melbourne-based Dylan Alcott Foundation; an organisation committed to helping young people with disabilities overcome the barriers of entry to sport and education through tangible means such as scholarships, and mentoring. He was also a vital part of development of, a recruitment website that matches up employers with people with disability.
As a passionate advocate for people with disability he is always seeking to correct the perceptions of the disabled community; he fosters respect and awareness in audiences he speaks before and seeks to share his story and inspire others to be the best versions of themselves.

Suzanne Colbert AM
Consultant, mentor, career coach
Suzanne Colbert, AM has been steeped in inclusion of people with disability – both professionally and personally for over 30 years. After 10 years spent assisting jobseekers with disability to get meaningful jobs, she founded the Australian Network on Disability (AND) to give employers the help they needed to welcome people with disability as employees and customers. While at AND Suzanne developed programs such as the Access and Inclusion Index, Disability Confident Recruiter, the Stepping into internship program and promoted the establishment of many Disability Employee Networks.
Suzanne now works as a consultant, mentor, and career coach.