Regional business and economy in NSW

Discover NSW Government services to help you do business in our regions.

Workers standing between 2 giant warehouse aisles stacked high with rolled up products.

Services and programs to grow business in NSW regions

Regional funds and grants

Opportunities for local business and regional communities.  

Invest in regional NSW

Support to attract investment, grow business and generate employment. 

Special Activation Precincts

Do business in regional precincts identified to become thriving business hubs. 

Regional Job Precincts

Helping fast-track support for growing job precincts in regional NSW. 

Strategies and frameworks

NSW Government plans to inform and drive delivery of regional NSW priorities and economic development.

Initiatives to enhance digital connectivity

Mobile Coverage

Expanding mobile phone coverage and service choice across regional NSW.

Internet Connectivity

Improving internet connectivity for areas of regional NSW where there is limited or no internet availability.

Latest updates and resources

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