Common questions about skilled visas

Here you'll find answers to our most commonly received questions.

Surfers on Nobbys Beach in Newcastle

General enquiries

I have already been nominated by NSW in the past, am I eligible to be nominated again?

No. Once you are nominated by NSW – which means that your NSW application was approved and you were invited to apply for the visa by Home Affairs – you permanently lose eligibility to be nominated again for any skilled visa. There are no exceptions. 

Will NSW eligibility requirements change throughout the financial year?

NSW may periodically adjust the published eligibility criteria to ensure the skill needs of NSW are met. Any changes apply to all EOIs regardless of when they were submitted (or amended) in SkillSelect.

Am I eligible for NSW nomination?

The basic eligibility requirements for NSW nomination include:

  • being eligible for the respective visa subclass as described by Home Affairs;
  • holding a valid skills assessment in an occupation eligible for the respective visa;  and
  • meeting our specific residency requirements.

More information, including some further requirements, can be found on the web pages dedicated to each visa subclass:

Additionally, it's important to note that if you have previously received a NSW nomination, you are not eligible for a subsequent nomination for any visa.

NSW target sectors

What are the NSW target sectors?

The NSW target sectors are specific industry sectors that have been identified by data research as having critical skills shortages in NSW. They include: 

  • Health 
  • Education 
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 
  • Infrastructure  
  • Agriculture

Although all validly submitted SkillSelect EOIs will be considered during an invitation round, priority is given to EOIs in these target sectors. 

Is my occupation within a NSW target sector?

Our office cannot confirm whether individual occupations fall within NSW's target sectors. So long as you maintain a validly submitted EOI in SkillSelect, your EOI will be considered in all future NSW invitation rounds. 

Will NSW invite EOIs in occupations outside of the NSW target sectors?

High-ranking EOIs in occupations outside of the NSW target sectors may be considered during invitation rounds; however, it's crucial to understand that the odds of receiving an invitation are exceptionally low due to high demand and limited spots. Therefore, we strongly recommend exploring all other migration pathways and not relying solely on a potential invitation from NSW.

Invitation rounds

When can I expect to be invited to apply for NSW nomination?

You should not wait to be invited by NSW.  Being invited to apply for NSW nomination is competitive. As such, we strongly recommend all prospective migrants explore all other migration pathways and do not wait to be invited by NSW. 

When is the next invitation round?

Invitation rounds occur frequently throughout the financial year with no set date. We cannot advise the date of upcoming invitation rounds. 

I was invited to apply for NSW nomination, but I did not see the invitation email in my inbox. Will NSW resend the invitation?

Because EOI numbers are prevented from being invited more than once, if you do not apply using your invitation link and wish to be considered again in a future invitation round, you must submit a new EOI in SkillSelect. 

I was invited to apply for NSW nomination for the Skilled Work Regional visa (subclass 491), can it be changed to the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)?

If you were invited by NSW for the Skilled Work Regional visa (subclass 491) it is because you submitted an EOI in SkillSelect seeking nomination for that specific visa subclass.  


What is the NSW residency requirement?

Your invitation was issued based on your current residence as stated in your SkillSelect EOI. To apply for NSW nomination, you must provide evidence you meet our residency requirements:

For Onshore Candidates:

  • 190 Visa: You must be currently residing in NSW and have continuously resided in NSW for a minimum period of six months.
  • 491 Visa: You must be currently residing in NSW and have continuously resided in NSW for a minimum period of three months.

For Offshore Candidates:

  • 190 Visa: You must be currently residing offshore and have continuously resided offshore for a minimum period of six months.
  • 491 Visa: You must be currently residing offshore and have continuously resided offshore for a minimum period of three months.

Note: No exceptions will be made to these requirements.

How do I prove where I reside?

To prove your residency, you must provide:  

  • bank statements for a minimum of six months from your main transaction account showing your salary and everyday transactions  

In addition to the following documents (as applicable to you):  

  • rental or lease agreements  

  • utility bills, e.g. gas, water etc  

  • other bills, e.g. phone, internet etc  

  • driver’s licenses or proof of age cards 

Do I need to be currently employed in NSW?

No. You do not have to be currently working (or have previously worked) in NSW in your nominated (or closely related) occupation to be eligible for nomination.     

I'm in NSW on a tourist visa, am I eligible for NSW nomination?

We do not consider any time spent in NSW on a tourist visa as you residing in NSW. As such, any time spent in NSW on a tourist visa cannot be counted toward the required residency timeframe. 

Skilled employment

How do I know what date NSW deems me to be skilled in my occupation?

For the purpose of NSW nomination, the date from which you can claim skilled employment is specific to our state's criteria.

Criteria for Claiming Skilled Employment

For the purpose of NSW nomination, may only claim skilled employment from:

  1. Skills Assessor's Date: The date your skills assessor officially recognises you as skilled, provided this date is explicitly stated on your skills assessment.

  2. Qualifying Study Completion Date: If your skills assessor does not specify this date, you may only claim skilled employment from the date you completed your qualifying study.

If you've claimed employment in your EOI prior to meeting the above criteria, you are not eligible to accept an invitation to apply for NSW nomination.

Note: No exceptions will be made to this unique NSW requirement.

What happens if I’ve claimed skilled employment in my EOI before the date I have been deemed skilled in my occupation?

If you've claimed employment in your EOI prior to meeting the above criteria, you are not eligible to accept an invitation to apply for NSW nomination.

Note: No exceptions will be made to this unique NSW requirement.

How do I show evidence for skilled employment after I have obtained my skills assessment?

If you have a valid skills assessment, which has assessed your skilled employment, you do not need to obtain a new assessment for ongoing employment after you obtained your assessment.   

You can prove your further skilled employment by supplying evidence including:   

  • employment contract   

  • employment reference letter detailing the duration of your employment, the hours worked per week and duties performed  

  • payslips, and  

  • your letter of offer 

Applying for NSW nomination

I have had an application to NSW refused in the past, am I still eligible for NSW nomination in the future?

Yes, you can still be considered for NSW nomination in the future, even if your previous application was refused.

Important: If NSW has refused your application following an invitation to apply, you must submit a new EOI in SkillSelect to be considered in future invitation rounds.

I have been invited by NSW, how long is the invitation link valid for?

Our invitation links are valid for 14 days only – you must apply within this time. We will not reissue your invitation if the link expires. 

If you do not apply to NSW using your invitation link and wish to be considered again in a future invitation round, you must submit a new EOI in SkillSelect – EOI numbers are prevented from being invited more than once. 

I’m an ICT professional, what skills assessment do I need to provide?

I'm claiming points for skilled employment  

For NSW nomination, you must provide an ACS 'skills assessment', and your employment must be assessed by ACS. You can only claim points for employment after the date ACS deems you skilled in your occupation. 

You cannot provide an ACS 'post-Australian study assessment' if you are claiming points for employment.  

I'm not claiming points for skilled employment  

You can provide any ACS assessment accepted by Home Affairs. 

What are the fees for NSW nomination?

A non-refundable application fee of A$330 (including GST) applies if applying from within Australia, or A$300 if applying from outside Australia. 

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