As technology changes quickly, the Government must find new ways to procure and test cutting-edge solutions.
The Smart City Innovation Challenges are discovering new technology and data solutions. These solutions help solve problems that State Government agencies face. The project will also support the growing start-up industry.
The Innovation Challenges are creating new ways for industry and the NSW Government to work together. This is helping grow the number of smart products, services and solutions in NSW. The NSW Government’s smart place innovations will also increase commercial opportunities.
“Innovation challenges are important because they’re an innovative way to engage with industry, particularly where the solution is unknown. ”Obelia Tait, Director Inhabit Place, Innovation Challenge 2, Feasibility Study Recipient.
With the rapid pace of technological change, it can be challenging for the NSW Government to procure new and emerging solutions. The Smart City Innovation Challenges will take a new approach to this procurement process.
The challenges will ask participants to solve real problems faced by the NSW Government and ask industry to pitch their best solutions. The process will help government continue to improve our services and the way we operate. It is all about finding smart solutions to benefit all citizens.
Each challenge will start with an open call for proposals to address a specific problem statement. The best entries are then presented live at a pitch event. Up to 3 proposals will progress through to a feasibility study stage. To further refine their solutions, these projects will be supported with funding and access to information and subject matter experts.
Successful applicants from each challenge may receive up to $1 million over 12 months to develop their proposal.
More information on the challenges:
Collaborators: Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation (Department of Regional NSW), Western Parkland City Authority
Suppliers: Peclet
Challenge 2: Safer Public Spaces for Women and Girls
Collaborators: Place and Public Life, Cities and Active Transport
Suppliers: University of Newcastle
Collaborators: Active Transport, Cities and Active Transport
Expected outcomes
Smart Places outcome areas:
- collaboration and connection
- skills, jobs and development.
The project will also provide:
new and improved pathways for partnerships between the technology and innovation sector and the NSW Government
greater commercial opportunities
greater number of innovative smart places products, services, and solutions in NSW.
Multimedia assets
Want to implement a similar project? Visit our Smart Places Playbook for help.
Smart Places Playbook: Design
Exploring the market, identifying potential solutions and setting out plans for delivery.
Smart Places Playbook: Foundations
Having the right policies and skills in place to support your smart places journey.
Contact details
Smart Places Project Team
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