This project supports regional NSW get ready to build up its ‘smart’ infrastructure, governance processes and community capacity. It provides free online learning modules and digital tools so people can use technology to improve outcomes for their towns and communities.
This project delivers:
- 12 online learning modules
- a smart places assessment tool
- precedents to review for inspiration and NSW application
- Smart Place RoadMAP template for all Councils to use to write their own smart place strategy.
These free resources will be on a website and will help regional areas learn more about technology and assist LGAs prepare to be ‘smart ready’.
All of these tools are being created and tested by 3 NSW councils. After that, they will be available for use by all 91 regional councils in NSW.
A digital divide has long existed between the State’s urban and rural communities. There is now an opportunity to develop and invest in the capability of regional councils, and to inspire and help them use technologies and smart solutions. Assisting regional areas become ‘smart ready’ will help address the challenges facing rural and regional communities and address the digital divide.
The Smart Regional Spaces: Ready, Set, Go! project aims to pivot the smart cities movement into rural and regional NSW. This will ensure regional communities reap the benefits associated with ‘smart place’ initiatives.
The Smart Regional Spaces: Ready, Set, Go! project will support regional councils become ‘smart places. It will do so through custom-designed training, digital tools and strategy development support.
The project runs for 16-months and partners with three regional NSW councils (Lithgow, Armidale and Parkes) to test all of the digital resources being designed and built. It will assist them to become even more ‘smart-ready’ by providing the tools, training and know-how to get them started with some new ideas and progress their existing smart work.
The project will future-proof regional councils by helping them to develop their own smart places strategy. This will embrace new technology, data and place management. The strategy will improve livability and sustainability in their region.
On completion of the project, a range of accessible digital tools, templates and training modules, will be made available, free to all 91 regional councils in NSW.
Expected outcomes
Smart Places outcome areas:
- collaboration and connection
- equity, accessibility and inclusion
- skills, jobs and development.
This project will deliver improved digital capabilities and increased digital literacy in our regional areas. It will build the capacity for delivery of smart places in our regions.
“Smart technology solutions in planning, infrastructure and energy efficiency are already a reality in metropolitan cites – we want to position rural and regional areas to take full advantage of the smart places movement by providing the tools, training and know-how to get them started or keep them moving.”Chief Investigators:
A/Professor Nancy Marshall of the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning at The University of Sydney
A/Professor Kate Bishop of the School of Built Environment at UNSW, Sydney
A/Professor Christine Steinmetz-Weiss of the School of Built Environment at UNSW, Sydney
Want to implement a similar project? Visit our Smart Places Playbook for help.
Smart Places Playbook: Foundations
Having the right policies and skills in place to support your smart places journey.
Smart Places Playbook: Discover
Starting with a focus on the place and its people, the opportunities and problems to solve.
Contact details
Smart Regional Spaces Project Team
Nancy Marshall
Program Director, Urban and Regional Planning
University of Sydney
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