Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Our vision is to create a safe and inclusive place to work, to achieve exceptional service for our customers and a sense of belonging for our people (both staff and contractors) who serve the citizens of NSW.
Our Disability Inclusion Action Plan is our roadmap towards accessibility and inclusion for our people, customers, stakeholders and suppliers with disability.
We seek to go beyond compliance to remove barriers and implement inclusive principles, processes, systems and practices to:
- develop positive attitudes and behaviours
- create liveable communities
- support access to meaningful employment, including leadership opportunities
- improve access to mainstream services by establishing an assumption of access to the services we provide.
In doing so, we have considered the followed key areas of our businesses:
- commitment
- premises
- workplace adjustments
- communications and marketing
- products and services
- Information Communication Technology
- recruitment and selection
- career development
- suppliers and partners
- innovation.
Our goals
Each of the key areas has a number of actions and measurable outcomes, with responsibility assigned to Senior Executives. The overarching goals for each key area are below.
1. Commitment
- Disability inclusion is a valued and demonstrated behaviour, supported by our organisation so that staff develop a sense of belonging
- Our leaders demonstrate commitment to an inclusive and accessible workplace
- We understand the needs of our people, monitor trends and enable the development of programs which are responsive to the needs of people with disability
- We hold ourselves accountable for progressing disability access and inclusion
- Our people feel engaged and safe to share their disability status
- We understand the needs of our people and customers with disability and recognise that they belong to multiple diversity groups, and take tailored action to support them.
2. Premises
- The Department of Customer Service Cluster premises are fully accessible for our people and customers with mobility, sensory and/or other disability.
3. Workplace adjustments
- All events, meetings and training hosted by the Department of Customer Service are accessible for all
- Our people can work effectively, safely with dignity and mobility across the Cluster, regardless of where they work
- Our people are disability confident, including in their use of appropriate language
- Our people managers understand, support and provide workplace adjustments
- Our people with disability are aware of adjustments available to them and feel confident in requesting them.
4. Communication and marketing
- We have an inclusive and accessible communications and engagement strategy and approach to all of our communications activities.
5. Products and services
- All internal and external customer services and products, both digital and non-digital, are accessible and inclusive, based on universal design principles, with digital products and services delivered to WCAG 2.1AA accessibility compliance, and all content is written to an inclusive reading level of 9.
6. Information Communication Technology
- Our Information Communication Technology is fully accessible to our customers and our people
- The people of NSW can easily access services and information through our websites.
7. Recruitment and selection
- The Department of Customer Service Cluster exceeds the Premier’s Priority of 5.6 per cent workforce with a disability
- Increased number of people with disability applying for roles and proceeding to interview
- Increased number of interns with disability.
8. Career development
- Increased number of people with disability at all levels of seniority
- We support the disability community to upskill and improve access to business networks
- We understand and remove barriers to career progression and increase career satisfaction for people with disability.
9. Suppliers and partners
- The Department of Customer Service leads the NSW public service in accessible ICT procurement
- The Department of Customer Service leads the NSW public service in procuring from disability-owned ICT suppliers
- We procure accessible non-ICT products and services
- We procure from disability-owned non-ICT businesses, and non-ICT businesses that are disability-friendly.
10. Innovation
- We understand and enhance the journeys of our customers and people with disability
- We support the NSW public sector in ensuring our policy and strategy projects consider the needs of people with disability.
Auslan summary

Department of Customer Service Disability Inclusion Action Plan - Auslan summary
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Contact details
02 9394 1360 (Calls via the National Relay Service or the Telephone Interpreter Service (131 450) are welcome.)