Ministerial media releases for the Department of Creative Industries, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport
Browse ministerial media releases, news and announcements for Creative Industries, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport.
NSW Government partners with NRL and PCYC to keep kids on the right track
The Minns Labor Government is continuing work to build better regional communities and address concerning rates of regional youth crime with a new partnership with the National Rugby League and PCYC to help keep kids on the right track.
Public invited to have their say on next tranche of gaming reforms
The public is invited to have its say on two new schemes that fulfill election commitments and build on the Minns Labor Government’s delivery of gaming reforms to address gambling harm and money laundering while supporting a thriving hospitality industry.
New Matildas mural officially unveiled at Accor Stadium
The Minns Labor Government has today unveiled the artist and artwork that will be projected onto Accor Stadium to celebrate the Matildas’ history-making campaign at the 2023 Women’s World Cup.
Sydney to host Rugby World Cup final and semi-finals
NSW is the big winner from the Men’s Rugby World Cup 2027 host city announcement, with our state set to host more games than any other, including both semi-finals and the final.
Music grants strike the right chord for next generation of NSW hit-makers
First-ever financial grants will make the long way to the top of the music industry seem that little bit shorter for the state’s most promising artists and sector professionals.
New life-saving defibrillators awarded for NSW sports facilities
The Minns Labor Government is today announcing the delivery of almost 200 life-saving defibrillators to sporting and recreation organisations across the state.
Deadline for pubs and clubs to comply with new ATM laws fast approaching
New laws regarding ATMs and EFTPOS machines near gaming machines will be enforced from next month, as part of the Minns Labor Government’s gambling harm minimisation reforms.
Sydney Marathon ballot overrun with international entries
The Sydney Marathon’s elevation to World Marathon Major status has led to a surge in demand from international runners, with its first ever ballot attracting more than 79,000 applications for a coveted 35,000 positions on the starting line on August 31.
Royal Hotel reigns as most popular NSW pub name
The most popular names for NSW pubs have been revealed, with Royal Hotel taking the top spot as the most common watering hole in 2025.
All aboard the Elvis Express for regional tourism in 2025
Today over 250 Elvis Presley fans, many dressed in blue suede shoes, are climbing aboard the NSW TrainLink Elvis Express embarking on the seven-hour pilgrimage to the annual Parkes Elvis Festival.