NSW Health Infrastructure Executive Director for Rural and Regional, Amanda Bock said construction contractor Barpa has been engaged following a competitive tender process to build the redevelopment, which will deliver a new Acute Mental Health Inpatient Unit and refurbished Emergency Department at Broken Hill Hospital.
“The appointment of the construction contractor is a significant milestone in the delivery of this project, which will ensure Broken Hill and surrounding far west communities have access to improved health facilities, now and into the future,” Ms Bock said.
Construction is expected to start in the coming weeks, following a comprehensive planning and design process which has helped shape the new health facilities for Broken Hill.
“Extensive engagement with the local community, including the Aboriginal community, has helped inform the design, ensuring the new spaces will be culturally safe and welcoming.”
Barpa is a majority Indigenous-owned construction business with experience in delivering health projects and working in rural and regional areas across NSW, including construction of the Buronga HealthOne, Medowie Ambulance Station and the Hay Health Service.
Ms Bock said the contractor will be shortly reaching out to the local community including trades, businesses, and suppliers about opportunities to be involved in construction for the redevelopment.
“We are committed to helping create new training and job opportunities throughout construction, which also provides a significant boost to the local economy, and we look forward to sharing more information about opportunities for this project soon,” Ms Bock said.
The redevelopment works includes a $10 million upgrade and expansion of the hospital’s Emergency Department, which will be reconfigured to better meet the critical health needs of the region and includes a new dedicated 24/7 entry, a larger light-filled waiting area, and tailored treatment spaces for children and those requiring mental health services.
It also includes the construction of the new purpose-built Acute Mental Health Inpatient Unit, which is being delivered under the NSW Government’s $700 million Statewide Mental Health Infrastructure Program providing a contemporary, culturally safe, and therapeutic space for people with mental health needs.
For more information about the Broken Hill Health Service Redevelopment please visit hinfra.health.nsw.gov.au or email HI-BrokenHillRedev@health.nsw.gov.au