The Annual Public Meeting will be livestreamed via webinar from 1.00 pm on Wednesday 16 November 2022 and is an opportunity for MLHD to reflect on the 2021-2022 year and provide an overview on the organisation's achievements, activity and performance.
Winner of the 2020 Don Kendell Memorial Leadership Award Dr Megan Farrell will deliver the keynote address. Dr Farrell is a Specialist Anaesthetist proudly living and working in the beautiful Riverina region of NSW.
She was awarded for her exceptional team and leadership qualities and constantly striving for excellence and nurturing others in the department to perform at their best.
Dr Farrell completed her fellowship in paediatric anaesthesia at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne. She has brought her experiences from there and improved our local paediatric services.
These improvements have been both pre and post operatively. Pre-operatively one of major issues is prolonged fasting of children - this leads to worsening anxiety both parental and child.
Dr Farrell worked both with the anaesthetists and the paediatric ward to reduce fasting times to ensure they are minimal. At the same time, she helped organise a dedicated paediatric area in both the holding bay and recovery, so children and parents felt more relaxed.
The keynote speech will be followed by presentations from the MLHD Board Chair Dr Tom Douch, Chief Executive Jill Ludford and Finance and Performance Director Kevin Lawrence.
Members of the public will have the opportunity to post questions to the panel of speakers. Questions can also be submitted on notice online – update: we are no longer taking questions on notice as this event has already taken place. If you'd like to provide your feedback, please email us.
The highlight of the MLHD annual calendar, the presentation of the 2022 Don Kendell Memorial Leadership Award will conclude the event. This award is presented annually to an emerging leader who reflects the values of aviation pioneer Don Kendell. Excellence, professionalism and integrity are key attributes as well as the ability to inspire team spirit and lead change.