Update: invitations for feedback were closed on 9 November 2022. Email MLHD to ask for a copy of the plan.
A Health Services Plan (HSP) outlines the health services required to meet the community’s health needs now and into the future and makes recommendations about the best way to deliver these services.
MLHD Chief Executive Jill Ludford said that communities play a critical role in the process of developing an HSP.
“Significant stakeholder engagement was undertaken involving consumers, community representatives, key stakeholders and health organisations. The plan has been endorsed by a group of local key stakeholders who have guided its development,” said Ms Ludford.
“We thank the community for the positive response - over 300 surveys were received, and the consultation discussions and a community conversation morning were also well attended.
“Some of main themes to come out of the stakeholder engagement were hospital bed numbers, medical imaging, and how to access available services.
The Draft Plan will now go on display for 3 weeks from 19 October– 9 November 2022. It will be available online on MLHD’s website, and paper copies will also be available to view at Coolamon Shire Council and Coolamon Library.
“We encourage residents of Coolamon, Ganmain and surrounding communities to provide feedback about the Plan for their Health Service, and their future health needs, during the public exhibition period,” said Ms Ludford.
"The feedback will be assessed and incorporated into the plan where feasible, and a summary of key feedback included in the plan.”
View the draft Plan and provide feedback.