Corowa Hospital recently welcomed a new physiotherapist and allied health assistant, a trainee, as well as a new ultrasound machine!
New physio team at Corowa Hospital
Facility Manager, Katrina Gunnett, is excited to announce the commencement of two new staff within the Allied Health Department at Corowa Hospital.
“We are pleased to welcome Physiotherapist, Haval Ibrahim and Allied Health Assistant Megan Holt to Corowa Hospital.
“Haval and Megan are the newest members of the Physiotherapy team and are passionate about helping people maintain and improve their health, wellbeing and independence,” said Mrs Gunnett.
“We also have had an opportunity to welcome Lara Ovenden, who is student from Corowa High School to commence study as an Allied health Assistant as part of her HSC studies. This helps us to grow our own health care professionals and offer local opportunities for the people in our regional areas to essentially get a start and study a health profession in their local area.”
“Together our new staff will be able to deliver a range of services and programs to the people in our community, and we are very excited to see them settling into their new roles with us.”
Corowa Hospital is also excited to receive a new sonography machine this month.
MLHD Sonographer, Carolyn Seidel is especially pleased to see the installation of the new Ultrasound machine at Corowa hospital.
“Having the latest in sonography technology is a win for the people in our community. The Ultrasound machine is extremely high tech and will be able to provide the highest level of scanning. It all means we are able to deliver better patient outcomes in the long term!” said Mrs Gunnett.
Communities across the Murrumbidgee region are urged to take precautions against mosquito bites and to get vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis following recent detections of Ross River virus and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV).
Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) staff, executive and board congratulate Chief Executive Jill Ludford on being awarded the Public Service Medal in the Australia Day Honours List.
Communities in Albury, Griffith, and surrounding areas are encouraged to take precautions against mosquito bites as NSW Health’s routine mosquito surveillance has detected Ross River virus in those regions.