“I have always had an interest in nursing as both my parents were Enrolled Nurses. I enjoyed hearing about their experiences, so I guess it was in the blood!
“My background is in aged care as an Assistant in Nursing (AIN), but we put my career on hold to raise a family,” Meaghan told us.
“My husband and I were very busy with our three children, and we were really focused on that in the early years. I love to spend all my spare time doing family things, baking, reading books and going for walks.”
In 2014, Meagan felt the timing was right to relaunch her career in aged care as an AIN and then decided to upskill, commencing a Bachelor of Nursing degree in 2018.
“It was a challenge juggling a family, work and study for four years, but well worth it,” said Meagan.
Meagan spent the first six months of her graduate program in Young and transitioned to Murrumburrah-Harden MPS for the final six months, before accepting a position back at Young Hospital this year.
“I am excited to have recently commenced my new role as an RN on the medical ward at Young Health Service.
Meagan credits her positive experience to the ‘wonderful training and support’, she has received and feels there has been numerous opportunities further her knowledge as junior nurse.
“Highlights for me have been the time I have spent working in the medical ward and emergency department and gaining exposure to the Emergency Triage Education kit.
“The team at Young Hospital is highly skilled and supportive and I feel it is a privilege to work with them,” Meagan said.
“Young is my home and it is great to be able live and work in my town. I have no plans to move away from here, I am very content to remain in Young for the foreseeable future.
“We have a wonderful hospital with competent and caring staff, and I would recommend graduating students to definitely consider a graduate program in a rural setting.
“There is so much to see and experience in a rural hospital. In a metropolitan hospital, you might just sit in one ward for your rotation. In a rural hospital you will have a wide variety of patients. It is never dull!”
Meagan feels that hard work, a positive attitude and a passion for your career are essential for success in life.
“I tell my children ‘If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.’
“Maybe that is why I was an art school drop-out, because a career in health has always been in my blood.”